Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Powers and possesion.


Rea. -How had she found us- i thought. Vee was staring at her. Clearly shocked. Vee said

"why? What do you care if my friends and i go some where?"

Rea laugh and began to fade. As she fully dissapeard outher people began to appear. None of witch the outhers or i knew. There where about seventeen in total. There eyes all blood red. The men began to lift there arms and Vee turned and shouted to run. We all ran as fire erupted behind us. - i wish i could use my powers.- see my powers hadent come yet neither had Azuras, or Crystal. Rebecca could but she ust never did.

One explosion of fire hit so near that i knew that some one had fallen. I turned back and saw it was vee. A ball of flames headeing towards her and i ran to i reached her and wrapped my self around her protectivly, squeezing my eyes shut. I waited for the impact.

"What are you doing Jade!"

Vee shouted.

"Helping you!" I shouted.

The noise came but i felt nothing. I cracked my eyes open and saw something amazing. We where surrounded by a wall of rock. As i carefully stood up healping Vee it crumbled. The fire had stopped and we where back at the edge of the forest. I was stil shocked by what i had done when My sister came and hugged me. She wispered in my ear

"look. Your powers have come in and you saved Vee." I murmed "yeah i did."


I said

"Rea is such a... such a. Ah!"

I stormed off, past the bewilderd faces of my friends and alex. He tried to grab my hand but i phased and ran trough the woods. -Damit vee you cant do this! Its dangerous come back!- something about alex's voice in my head made me turn back i came back into the clearing alex came up and i phased and hugged him. I licked my lips. Salt, i was crying. Why?

"Vee?" Alex asked concerned and merage came over. I felt a strange sense of familarity.

"Crap!" I looked at alex in panic. Rea was possesing my body again.

"Alex! She is doing it again!"

Alex looked shocked.

"Doing what?" Alex asked

"you know wha.." i fell to the cround as the sick pounding came in my head and it went all fuzzy.


Not againg. Vee was being possed. She had colapsed to the ground and i laid her on my lap. As her eyes snapped open, they where blood red. I knew vee was watching. Rea's voice came out of vee's mouth. Rea said

"i told you i would find you and i will pick you off one by one. Starting with you pretty boy."

She pointed at me and the vee was back, her eyes no longer red and back to there beautiful blue. I hugged her tight and she sat there.


I had watched it all. Rea thretaning Alex and the outhers. As i sat there something materealized in front of me and i carefully stood up. It was paper. I took it i in my hand and stared at what was written there. In slightly scribbled words it read

-i wearned you. Pretty boys next!-

this angred me. I lit my hands on fire, burning the paper to ash in my palm. I threw the paper ash and fire into the trees. Screaming. Every one stepped back exept for alex, who came up and took my hand igstiguishing the flames. He said "you ok? What was that?" I told him what it said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Lets get out of here. Hey merage, do you want to come with us?"

Merage shook her head.

"I have no reason to.on your way back, stop by. Oh and vee, i have something for you. I have no use for it plus i dont know what it is."

She reached into her boot and pulled out dagger with a crysal encrusted handel.

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