Chapter 14

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"Please just come over, I need you,"I begged again over the phone.

"Harley, I said I'm cool where i am, okay?,"  Peter replied.

"My brothers are out and am finding it hard to breathe, please I need you here." I lied.

Its been two days since I left the hospital and Peter has been avoiding me like a plaque. The same thing with Oliver maybe he, is still mad at me.

"Okay, okay don't move, I'm on my way."
I could hear things moving and slamming as he ran around.

"Keep talking, you would be fine okay."
Oh my, I made him concern now.
his going to be pissed when he gets here.

"Here you still there," he questioned, distractedly.
Breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I said am finding it hard to breathe, I'm not dying."

"Why the fuck would your brothers leave you at home alone."

The true is only James has been to work for the past one week.
Their girlfriends were over since a week too.

"Okay, am at your door." I hung up.
That was fast the doorbell rang again.

"I would get it," I shouted and sprinted downstairs.

"Stop running, you might fall," Nick said, I stopped but immediately his turned i ran.

I opened the door revealing Pet... no, this isn't my best friend.
He was sweating and breatheless that means he ran all the way, he had bags under his eyes from sleepless nights, his hair was sticking in different places.

"Hello," I said, smiling but he didn't smile back.

"Harley who is by the door," Nick shouted.


“You lied, you little...?" He was fuming and turned around to walk away.

I held his arm tight. “Wait, I'm sorry I lied”. I turned him around so he could face me.

"I just needed my best friend, and you never get this angry when I lie, you've changed a lot. you are avoiding me and what type of friend do that? Or you don't wanna be my friend anymore," I fake sob.
He just rolled his eyes and said

"I'm sorry I didn't know, you felt this way, I will always be your best friend, come let's go in," he dragged me into the house.

"Hey dudes." he greeted Oliver and Nick.
They liked him.
"Hiii" Diamond said in a sing-song voice pulling down her gown to reveal little of her sagging blah blah blah.

"Going upstairs with Peter in case you need me."

"Alright, just do nothing stupid!"

"Eww! to whatever you are talking about."

I never imagine doing that with Peter, no even with any other person. maybe I would end up a lesbian.

"So care to tell me why you have been avoiding me."

"I haven't been."

"What you wanna drink," I asked opening my room secret food stash.

You must be asking yourself why I have these, it contains special food for me. like meat, nuts, and vegetables.
Come to think of it someone found out about the place and was stealing my meat so I set a video camera.

Shit, why didn't I remember this a time long ago?
That camera must have captured what happened on the day Barbie slapped me.


I laid down behind him.

"Please tell me why you have these bags under your eyes."

"Sleepless Nights."

"Why can't you sleep."

"It's just....anytime I close my eyes to sleep, I see it over and over again."

"See what?"

"YOU, it is you, Harley, I see you having that seizure over and over again."

"Oh come on, sleep here please."

"What. No, that wouldn't make any difference, besides your brothers would kill me."

"Don't worry about them, I'll wake you up immediately I see any sign of bad dreams."



Peter was asleep already, so I decided it was time for people to see the truth about what happened that day with Barbie.

I took the camera and skipped downstairs.
James and his girlfriend just got back home too.
It's gonna be a great day.

imma barbie girl, in a barbie world... i sang skipping down the last stairs.


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