Chapter 23.

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Last night was the worst dinner ever.
Hunter didn't talk to me after the greeting even though i tried all i could to get his attention. i know i kinda sound like a slut, isn't it.

I did a lot last night like purposely dropping a glass of water on my feet. dangerous right ?.

Right now i hate Hunter, he ignored me all night after all my makeup and talked to that freak of a sister....

Alicia and Nick got engage once again, I'm happy for them. in my opinion Nick is too old to be single.

"Good morning bitc.....". i quickly stop myself knowing that Alicia and Anne were not around to save me..

"What is good about this morning." Nick asked. They were all in the kitchen looking sad, no not sad Disappointed. Why cant we ever have a smiling, cheerful moment in this house.

"What did i do now"

"Whats this." Ollie asked dropping a paper at my front.

After three minutes of staring and rereading the paper..

"I can explain". i defended myself.

The school sent them a letter on how i haven't attended classes this week (i hid in my room all day)And my test which was 40% out of 100% in all subjects.

I too never knew i could drop this low in tests.

"I would improve i promise" i begged cause they said they would change my school "Please give me another chance."

"you would improve"

"yes yes, i promise."

"one last chance Harley, one last chance." Nick said as i nodded my head repeatedly.

To be honest i kinda fear my brothers now, they are so unpredictable..

"Alright go get your bag and bring your car key along, no driving for you for this week." i wanted to protest but i knew better.

James was driving me to school.

"So, care to tell me why you got bad grades." he asked as i rolled my eyes, his saying this like i got the grades on purpose.

"Its not my fault". i said with a little bit of attitude.

"So whose person fault is it. mine?" he asked.
his dumb if he thinks I'm gonna waste my time talking to him about bullshit...


"You got him real bad Harley." Michael said inspecting Peter's eye.

"He deserved it and you know it." Truly i feel sorry for hitting him but hell knows i ain't gonna say sorry, he really deserved it.

"Hey! i said i was sorry". Peter protested. I was gonna say something but...

"Mr Malik, Mr Wright and Mr Jameson report yourself to the principals office now."

We had two Maliks in school but they didn't have to call the name to know it was Peter the were referring too.

"Go ahead and answer your names."i said. this was usual it happens every once or twice a week.

I am changing for the good, I've reduce my bullying .

Jameson is a name I've never heard before.

Setting my headset on my head i took a stroll down the hall, i put no music on.

"Why de hell, did you put pink. " i heard a female voice say behind,me as i walked down the hallway.

"i didn't know it would be good on her."Another voice said.

"If i were there i would have put green in the shampoo."

i smiled, i think i found the criminal I've been looking for all week.

so who do you think this criminals are???...

short chapters nowadays and slow updates. I'm sorrrryyy.
Got a new part time job and my boss is not really nice.
he catch me touching phone during work time. I'm fired.
so please bear with meeeeee..

your faithful author.

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