Chapter 32

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"Are we just gonna stay here and watch her sleep all day." Peter asked making himself comfortable beside me and making me unconfortable.

"Nope, it would be too boring here." Micheal said by this time i couldnt contain my excitment anymore. You dont know what it means for me to get a compliment from Micheal. Micheal is too hard to please.

"You admitted it would be boring without me." I screamed sitting up real fast making them fall out of my bed in fright.

"Dont do that again." Peter said getting up.

"Admited what." Micheal asked with a scoff "All i really meant was who would i fraustrate when you are asleep."

"Yea right." i mocked calmly. Making both of them look at me with shock written on thier face, They are shocked i didnt start arguing with Micheal. "What?".

"You arent going to fight back?." Peter asked.

"Nope." I popped the p well. "Im too mature to be making noise with a dried rices." I said dryly, Micheal looked hurt but he deserves it right? since morning he has been looking for trouble and now he got it.

"Hey wanna go to the park." Peter asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." I shouted knowing we were going to a club. Park is the secret word for club.

"Im not going, see you later bro." Micheal said still frown from my insult of earlier. He hated when someone called him dry because he is sooo skinny.

"Hey!are you on your period?".I asked him as he walked out the door, i ran after him and climb his back. Guess why i said 'climb' his back and not 'jump' on his Back.
Micheal is really tall and skinny, you can jumb on his back unless he bend for you.
Even though he can eat a full kitchen he never gets fat.

"Get off."


"Get off."

"Make me". He started doing this weird dance that involve shaking his back. Did i tell you Micheal was the best dancer i ever knew. I still didnt fall off, i clutch to his neck chocking him.

"Peter, come and get your wife off my back." Meeee, Peter's wife. When i heard that i quickly slide down landing on my butt.

"You two done?." I heard a deep voice coated with jealousy say from behind me. Peter.

"Hey, chill man we were just playing." Micheal explained to him. Why does he need to explain to Peter.

Do Peter like me?????

"Harley go dress up." He voice was back to the childish one i knew.


"The last one was a good one." Micheal said.
We were currently walking to a club. We used the window to climb out my house, My brothers are going to go crazy after they find out im missing.

Something i noticed about my friends is that they like keeping a low profile. They alway drive in the day and walk in the night.

"So how was she like?." They were talking about Micheal's last fuck.

"She had this big ass and ". i caught him off with a
"Ohh shut up." I mean they sometimes forget im a girl.

I heard a "Holy shite" behind me before a smack was heard. Someone smack my ass.
"Great ass." The voice said. i was too embrassed to even turn around and see who it was, but i did turn around when i heard the familar sound of fist connecting with skin.

"Oh my god." It was bad. Peter and Micheal were beating someone without mercy worst thing was that Peoplw stood there videoing it non of them going to seperate the fight.

"Stop it both of you." i started pushing both of them away.
I fell down when a elbow connected with my belly.
That what my mum alway told me....when boys are fighting never get between them or you would suffer.

"Lets go." i heard Peter's voice before someone dragged me up.

"Do you even feel sorry for elbowing me." I asked pissed that non of them even said sorry to me.

"since when did you start asking for sorry." Micheal mocked me.
We were now in the club.
Micheal was inhailing drugs.

"Since now, give it to me."

"Peter elbowed you not me." Micheal said making me turn to Peter.

"What!." He yelled taking his shot.

"My sorry."  i shouted so he could hear me over the loud music.

"I dont have it, i left it in your house."

"Just say sorry." I took a shot of my mixed drink.

I heard throat clearing from behind me.

"not again." i said to myself, turning around i met the angry eyes of oh god no.

"Hiii James." i said forcing an innocent smile.


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