Chapter 25.

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Taking a stroll in the rain thinking about what to do. Some of you are thinking what im i doing in the rain?, did my brothers kick me out?. No they didnt, but i didnt wanna gonna home and face the consequences of my actions.

A car speed pass me slashing water on my side. Making me feels dirty all over .

should i go back home?.

Someone pushed me to the ground all in the name of trying to run from the rain. i gave her back a middle finger as i stood up .
maybe this is Gods way of punishing me.


“okay, thanks  ” hunter said as he jogged to ask another person.

Then it hit me i asked the wanna bees to ……

“hey Peter, go without me, i will chat with you later .” Peter raised one of his eyebrows.

“where you going ?”.

“The hell, stop being so annoying”.

“okay !” he raised his hands up in surrender “its not like i wanna hear you fart in my car .”

“I've never done that.” i said, my upper cheek getting hot in embarrassment, forgetting the issue at hand.

“you do that every time you fall asleep in the car.” he said obviously  enjoying torturing me. Michael helped me by dragging him away.
i started sprinting to the abandoned classroom hoping nothing been done to Linda, i forgive her.
Did  she even offend you?.   i asked myself .

i got there only to meet Ashley and Linda talking peacefully, no one was hurt.
Three seconds later, to my surprise Hunter walked in too.

“Oh!My man you came?.” Ashley slutty voice called as  she went and wrapped her hands around hunter who was giving me death glares.

Whats going on ……

“She is the one who asked me to bully your little sister.” Linda walked away from the room after  exchanging few words with her brother .
I on the other hand was frozen looking at the scene before me.

Why didn't i think about this before. Ashley must have sold me out to get something in return .

“What did my sister do to you?”Hunter asked removing Ashley's hands away from his chest .“Answer me” he yelled and i flinched a little.

“Listen Hun……”

“Don't tell me to listen”. he barked loudly and Ashley moved back a step surprised.

“you asked me a question and i wanted to answer, if you don't need it. I'm out of here, its not my fault that your sister is a weakling.” confidence came from somewhere i cant even remember, maybe because i was angry. I smirked holding the Hugh to take out all my anger now on Ashley. I began to walk toward the door. When his hands grabbed me roughly. Turning around i quickly kicked him in the nut and told Ashley we shall meet again. While she tried to help him stand well.

end of flashback

Here i am now debating on if i should go home or not.

Freezing, i tried to rub my hand together to create a little heat. not working . i sighed

you a badass not a coward. A mind said.
just go and apologize another mind said.

i swatted down under a tree waiting for the rain to reduce.

A pair of blue shoes came to stand at my front  and i notice the drops on rain which escaped falling on the leaves didn't touching me no more.

“Staying in a cold rain is gonna get you sick princess.” it was the voice that always brought my joy


Why didn't i think of going to him in the first place..

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