Chapter 19

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"Ahhhhhhhh." i screamed looking into the mirror "My hair, my damn hair!who did this to me, what did i do to deserve this!."

I ve just finish bathing to clean all the sweat from sport and someone put Pink dye in my personal hair shampoo and now look at me.

I walked outside to see everyone in the dinning hall.

"Who.did.this?."i asked as the whole hall became quiet."Who the fuck did this to my hair!." No answer.

I heard a little giggling behind me, turn around to find one of the school's nobody holding her mouth, obiviously she laughed. i stalk toward her grabbing her collar.
"Those this look funny to you". she shaked her head no.

"Good. One more giggle or laugh escape those lips again, i will smach those teeths in, so you have to stick a brush into your ass to brush them". i let her go."And the same thing goes to all of you here"

"Oh! come on, the hair isnt that bad, Be happy that they dyed it pink not blue or something worst." Peter said trying to lighten up the table.

"You not helping Peter, Just stop saying rubbish." Micheal beat me to the harsh words i was about to the deliver to him.

"Are you that pissed that you wouldnt talk to me." Peter asked.

"Who the hell are you?." i said with vexation. the bell rang and i stood up and made my way to class not even waiting for them like i used to.

I saw an unfamilar body sitting on my seat.
"Youre on my seat." it was the new girl.

"I-im sorry, i-i d-didnt know."

"Just get the fuck up." i wasnt in the mood to talk today.

"O-oka-ay". She was wasting time putting her things into her bag.

I grabbed the bag from the table threw it on the floor, then shoved her away from my seat and occupied placing my head down.

Thinking about how many years i used to grow this hair and how ill look like when i cut it.

I teacher came in to teach and i still listerned to what he was saying.
Little drops of 'nerd' blood was still in my system.

Soon school was over but i didnt get up so did Peter and Micheal.

Someone slammed his hand on my table, making me jumb.

"Who hell do you think you are to push my sister to the ground?, What if she got hurt? ." a thick voice said.

I looked up to see the most stricking Blue eye i ever see.

Then i think the world froze, he was looking deep into my eye as if seaching for what he keep there, while i was taking in his handsome face in. We were both like that for some second.

"Got a problem with that bro?." Peter asked breaking our eye contact.

"No Hunter, do not do anything stupid." the new girl ran in.

'Hunter that the name of this handsome one.

Hunter and Peter were standing chest to chest, which was surpising Nobody ever stood up to peter.
Hunter was the nearly same height with Peter.
Peter was grinding his teeth together now and his was holding a fist.
"No fighting today Peter, lets go home". i seperated them.

"Bye Hunter." i waved smiling.

I guess the tomboy is in love

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