OO8 ~ Lust

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{A/N} Warnings! Smutty Chapter!

He grabs your wrist tightly before dragging you inside, your mind spinning about everything this man could do to you. You don't want to do much foreplay seeming you just want to feel the man inside of you as soon as possible. Once inside, he slams you against the wall, pinning your hands above your head as he crashes his lips onto yours again, grinding his hips into you, making you moan in the kiss. You want to touch him so badly but he is holding your hands tightly. 'You made me lose interest in the play, {y/n}. Now I'm going to take what I want from you' His words are too much mixed with his harsh, wet kisses down your neck. Softly biting and sucking to leave bright bruises, Tom claiming you to be his.

You moan at the feeling of his teeth scraping your skin while his hands are now on your back, unzipping your dress and practically ripping it off your body. Now that your arms are free, you tangle them in his hair, hearing him moan softly as you tug on it. He wraps one of your legs around his waist as the other starts rubbing your clit through your panties. 'Oh fuck' You exclaim, your breathing unsteady. 'So wet for me already, love' He licks his lips as he feels your arousal through your panties. He stops when you're wet enough for his taste, ripping your bra of your body, gazing at your breasts with a lustful look and taking one of your nipples in his mouth, licking and sucking on it while he kneads the other in his hand. 'T-Tom, stop being a tease' You whimper, bucking his hips against him, making him groan. He lets go of your breasts and stares into your eyes, smirking as his hand is sliding down your ass, pushing you against his member. 'I'm going to take my time with you, baby.' How you love that he calls you baby. He drops your leg to use both hands to unbuckle his belt and undo himself of his pants. You watch how it falls to his ankles, revealing the tent in his boxers. Your eyes are fixated on the bulge, making him smirk. He rips your panties off your body, licking his lips at the sight. 'I would like to get a taste of that' He says as he lets his fingers glide through your wet folds. A gasp leaves your lips when he presses his thumb on the sensitive knob. 'Fuck' You moan, wanting his mouth on you.

He grabs your ass, pushing you up the wall until you can wrap your legs around his waist. 'Just a little higher, love' He  pushes you up more until his head is in between your legs. You grab the curtain bar tightly for support so you won't fall forward and feel how his arms are holding your waist tightly while pressing you further against the wall. All so you won't fall and hurt yourself.
He blows softly against your core, gaining a gasp from you before he folds his lips over your clit, gently sucking on the sensitive spots. You moan at the sweet feeling of Tom eating you out and bringing you towards your high. He swirls his tongue around, rotating it on your most pleasurable spots while dipping a finger inside of you, his other hand still holding you up. 'Tom, please' You whimper and flutter your eyes close as he inserts his finger all the way in, adding an extra to the mix and pumping them in and out of you while still using his tongue on you as well. The pleasure is overwhelming and your orgasm is forming in your abdomen. 'Tom, I'm going to cum!' You cry out and he immediately speeds his fingers up while sucking harder on your clit. You scream his name when you delightfully come, your eyes rolling back in ecstacy and your body trembling. Tom laps your juices up and lowers you so that your legs are around his waist again and you face him. He kisses you passionately while pushing his tongue into your mouth, making sure you taste yourself on his lips. You moan in the kiss and you want more. More of him.

'I want to feel you' You breathe out as he breaks the kiss. He gazes into your eyes as he removes his boxer shorts, letting it drop to his ankles. He rubs himself through your folds, teasing you some more but even he grows impatient and just wants to bury himself inside of you. He aligns himself at your entrance, squeezing your ass as he thrusts himself all the way in. He fills you up completely making you moan. 'Fuck, you're tight' He breathes out, pulling out of you to then slam back inside of you again. He starts thrusting a normal pace but speeds up when you tell him to. He attaches his lips to your neck again, biting and sucking the already bruised skin while pushing your hips on his member to meet his rhythm. His hand is gliding up and down your thigh while you tug at his hair, pulling his face up to latch your lips with his. Groans, moans, hisses and mewls are exchanged between the two of you as he keeps thrusting in and out of you roughly. The familiar knot forms in the pit of your stomach and you cry out, feeling your second orgasm approaching. Tom is close too, feeling that his thrusts are becoming sloppy but he speeds up one more time to take you towards your climax, watching you intensely as you dissolve in pleasure and screaming his name over and over again. You clench your walls around his member, pushing him over the edge and releasing his hot load deep in you.

He stares at your sweaty face with your hair sticking to your cheeks and chuckles when you look back at him, getting your hands through his wet hair while panting. He carries you towards his bedroom, softly laying you down onto the bed to then pull out of you and fall down beside you. 'I can't believe that happened' You whisper, staring at the ceiling while feeling Tom's hand on your waist. 'I do' He chuckles and pulls you closer, letting you rest your head on his chest. You lie like that for quite some time. But it's getting really late and you should be heading back towards your hotel.

You want to get up but his hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you back next to him. 'Please' He says, his eyes closed from exhaustion. 'Stay' You smile at him and lie down again. 'Ok' You don't feel like going out anyway. It was just because you thought that it would be the right thing to do.. You know this is only a one-night stand. Right? You help yourself under the covers, seeing how Tom follows your example.

'Thank you' You whisper, thinking that he doesn't hear you but he does. 'You're very welcome, love' He smiles, opening his eyes to look at you. You blush a deep shade of red but smile at him. You turn around so your back is now facing him. If you ever want to fall asleep, you shouldn't be looking at him. What you don't expect is for him to wrap his arm around you and to pull you closer against his body, spooning you. It's nice. Really nice and you smile to yourself, thanking God that you get to be in this position because this truly makes you happy even though it's just for tonight.
You close your eyes and start to drift off to sleep as you feel a kiss being pressed against your shoulder and his soft voice near your ear. 'Goodnight'

{A/N} Hii! Thank you for reading! I really hope you like it and although I'm still learning to do this, I hope it was good for you (: Have a lovely day!

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