O15 ~ Netflix & Ice Cream

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{Y/N}? I'm here! Please open up.' You hear through the speaker after she rang the bell downstairs. You press the button to open the front door and wait patiently for her to come up towards your apartment. You have already opened the door for her while you're laying on the couch, curled up into a ball while still softly sobbing. {Y/bf/n} enters your living room, pouting when she sees you. 'Pregnant, you say?' You told her over the phone and she indeed screamed like you had predicted but now that she's here, she looks like she's at peace with the news. 'And then the whole thing with your parents' She whispers, pulling you off the couch and closing you into a tight hug. The fact that she came after the news shows you what kind of friend she is. 'I'm here for you.. I won't ever leave you! If you want, I can be here when you tell Tom.' She's the sweetest and you can't believe that she wants to stay after everything that has happened to you. She didn't even call you stupid, reckless or something else offensive about the whole situation. She did so with the letter but that was something she considered dumb over serious.

'I appreciate that but I'm still figuring out how to tell him! It's like I'm dropping a bomb on him and I want to do it as subtle as possible.' You sigh and wipe some of your tears from your cheek with the sleeve of your sweater. 'I know for a fact that he's going to be offended by the fact that I told you and my parents first..' You both laugh softly but you get serious almost immediately after. 'After all, he's the father.' {Y/bf/n} softly rubs your back while smiling sympathetically at you. 'If there is one thing that I know about Tom, it's that he won't react like your folks, {Y/n}.' She tries to comfort you but fear is forming a big lump in your throat. 'Perhaps.. I don't see him as that kind of man either but then again, I considered my parents also not like that.' She tilts her head a little to the side. 'You said you went in there, fully prepared to be disowned.' You sigh and nod. 'Yes, but you want them to prove you wrong. Perhaps I wasn't prepared at all.' You let your head fall into your hands and sigh heavily.

To make matters worse, your phone starts ringing and the name of your lover lights up the screen. 'Oh dear.' You whisper as you just let it ring. It's the second time he's calling today and you just don't want to speak with him at the moment. Too scared you'll blurt it out over the phone instead of telling him in person and you're also scared that he's now calling you just to meet for sex. You're far from being in the mood now.

'You're not going to answer the phone?' {Y/bf/n} asks and you shake your head. 'You have to sooner or later, {y/n}. You can't keep running away from this.' She's right and you know that but you wish you could run away from the drama that is now unfolding in your life. If it was something small, you could handle it but this is multiple things in a row all starting with this stupid pregnancy. Which is not a small thing.

'What if we forget about it for now and just watch a movie with a big bowl of ice cream. I'm sure that even the baby would love some.' {Y/bf/n} chuckles and softly pokes your stomach. 'I would love that but I don't have ice cream in the fridge.' You say, your breathing still a little off from the crying. 'Don't worry. I'll get some.' She assures you and stand up before getting her bag. 'I'll be right back.' She leaves your apartment, leaving you all alone. You get up and grab the remote of the television before turning it on to Netflix. You also grab a soft blanket out of your closet before returning towards the living room and sitting down onto the couch again.

Almost an hour passes when {Y/bf/n} returns with a few Ben and Jerry's. 'I'm so sorry! It was fucking busy down at the supermarket!' She apologizes while grabbing a few spoons and sitting down onto the couch next to you. She gets under the blanket as well and hands you one the ice creams. 'My favourite.' You smile and take a spoon from her. 'Of course! So, what movie are we going to watch? It's your call.' She smiles at you and then turns her face to the screen. 'How about we go binge watch a series?' You suggest and she's totally up for it! 'Sure, which one?' You use the remote to get to one of your favourites which also happens to be one of hers. 'Yes! Let's do that!' She smirks and watches how you play the first episode of Prison Break.
You've seen everything but you two love the show so much that you don't mind watching it all over again.

For the rest of the day your worries seem to fade thanks to your best friend, the ice cream and the tv-show. 'Hahah, I swear T-Bag is so dumb sometimes.. I still can't believe he fell for that!' You laugh before you stuff your mouth with some ice cream. Your best friend laughs with you and mumbles something about it being funny that he keeps falling for stuff like that. 'But seriously though, Mahone was the best thing to happen to this show! I love that guy.' You say and explain why but your friend already knows that. 'You say that everytime! But you're right..' She chuckles softly.

'I was wondering if you would like to stay over?' You ask and she happily says that she wants to. 'You need me so I'm not going anywhere.' It calms your mind to know that you haven't lost her in all this mess.  

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