O19 ~ Shower

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{A/N} Warning! Light Smut!

Tom wakes up and finds you still asleep next to him. He still doesn't really know how to process the events of yesterday and he's sure that you don't know either. The way you sleep makes him smile a little. You're curled up in the sheets, your hair is everywhere over the pillow and your mouth hangs a little open. It's not beautiful according to the beauty standards but he thinks you are.

He gets up out of the bed and decides to surprise you like only a gentleman can do. Starting with breakfast. He gets to your kitchen and after opening every drawer, cupboard and staring into your refrigirator, he starts to work. You however don't wake up from that. The stress was too exhausting for you last night that you're still far away.

Tom thinks it's a good idea to give it a little English touch and knowing that you don't like white beans in tomato sauce for breakfast, he does know that you like scrambled eggs so he gets to work. Scrambing the eggs, boiling water in the kettle, making toast etc.
When he comes back, he finds you all wrapped up in the sheets, head on both pillows and snoring slightly. It makes him laugh and he carefully places the tray on the nightstand to then wake you up by pampering kisses al over your face and neck. Oh how you love the sweet feeling of his lips on your skin. The tingling feeling wakes you up and without thinking you get your hand through his hair, murmuring a 'Goodmorning.' He smiles at you and connects your lips once more with his. You chuckle and protest slightly seeming that you haven't brushed your teeth yet and that you are the proud owner of a stinky morning breath. 'I don't care, love.' He whispers and then gets up, grabbing the tray again. 'I made you breakfast.' You gasp in surprise, smiling ear to ear. This is the last thing you expected from him. 'Wow! Babe! Why? What did I do to deserve this?' He sits on the edge of the bed while carefully placing the tray over your lap. 'You deserve this. Epecially after the events of yesterday.' You beckon him over with your finger and press a tender kiss on his lips. 'Thank you! You're the sweetest.'
You take a good look at the tray, seeing some delicious looking food just waiting for you to eat it. You tell him to join you and you share your breakfast with him.

After that, Tom pulls you out of bed and takes you with him towards the bathroom where he turns on the shower. 'Come.' He whispers sensually, undressing himself before you. You're still a little overwhelmed by the sudden care you're receiving from Tom so you just stare at him with a crooked smile. It's not like he was only there for you with sex in the past but this is a side you've never seen from him. You've got to say that you realy like this side of him. 'I won't do anything to you, don't worry.' He smiles but that's not the reason why you didn't undress. 'You know I wouldn't mind.' You grin and throw your hands up in the air as he tugs on your top. 'I know.' He winks and takes your top off your body and after that your bottoms with panties. 'You're beautiful.' He softly feels your body as he pullls you under the shower with him. You sigh happily as the hot water falls on your skin. You love showers and taking baths. It makes you relax to the core and you're not one to shower shortly. When you come out, your skin mostly is all wrinkled but you just can't help yourself.

He holds you closely to his body once he sees you're about to cry again. It's so overwhelming for you. His love for you that you never ever expected to happen, the whole fucked up situation with your parents and the pregnancy although you're not really sad about that anymore. You're slowly getting excited to have a child of your own. He kisses your forehead gently and strokes your wet hair while whispering sweet nothings to you. You have your arms tightly around him as well and you never want to leave this position.

A soft whine leaves your lips as he lets go of you but when you see he's about to grab a shampoo bottle, it's all good again. He puts something on the palm of his hand before rubbing his palms to spread the shampoo to then touch your body again. He circles his hands around you to clean you and you sigh happily because of his touch. He washes you everywhere starting with your arms and shoulders but quickly going towards your chest, breasts and stomach. When he's done with your legs, he grabs a washing cloth and goes in-between your legs. A soft moan escapes your mouth as he touches you there. When he's done there too he wants to take his hand away but you grasp his wrist tightly and keep it on you while whispering a soft 'Please.' He hums in response, letting his fingers slide through your wet folds. He is careful and gentle, afraid that he will be too rough but you don't need him to hold back. He inserts his finger inside you, pumping it in and out of you gently while his thumb is toying with your clit. You moan softly and you close your eyes. Tom leans his forehead against yours while speeding up, earning more moans from you. He loves the sounds coming from you and he only gains more when he adds an extra finger. 'Oh God.. I-' You throw your head back as you cum delightfully. You thank him with a kiss and before he could do something else, you return the favour by washing every part of his body and taking your time with each part. You kiss him as you wrap your hand around his shaft, slowly jerking him off. A pleasurable sigh leaves his lips while he pulls you closer to him by your lower back. It gives you such a confidence boost when he lets out little moans and calling out your name. You kiss his shoulder, going up to his neck, sucking and biting lightly on his wet skin. He wraps his hand over yours and guides your hand faster over him until you feel him twitching in the palm of your hand before he cums, his moan muffled by him kissing you. 'I love you.' He breathes out and you kiss him softly. 'I know. I love you too.'  

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