O28 ~ Scandal

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If there wasn't a scandal just for dating a younger woman, there sure is one right now for yelling at a fan and knocking you up. Oh, the shame that they want to put on the two of you is just... speechless. It makes you speechless. The reporters have written multiple articles about it, there apparently was someone who took a picture of the incident with that girl and there is also a video going around the internet as "proof" that it happened where you can clearly hear and see Tom losing his shit.

Tom Hiddleston, as rude as it can get.

That's the name of the article. No way that you want to let the media get away with this but what can you do? You have a massive target on your back as well! Everyone is burying you with assumptions and sexist questions. Oh and even with accusations! In the back of your mind you understand your parents now but there is no chance that you'll go to them for comfort.

To make matters worse, you and Tom are now caught up in your very first fight. It was impressive how long you could keep it as right as rain but it was bound to happen one day.
Yes, the fight is mostly because of this scandal and the stress it takes with it but there's also a little bit of pregnant mood swings tossed into it. All day you have been bitching about the things that are going wrong now and Tom is, softly speaking, just plainly done with it.

'Really, {y/n}. Enough is enough! I can't help it, ok? I get it, your pregnancy is making you feel this way, but I didn't do anything wrong and it doesn't give you the right to speak to me like that!' You raise your eyebrow at him and cross your arms in front of your chest. 'What? Why? Because you are my elder? Is that it? I'm so sorry that I'm being disrespectful to you, Tom! I'm truly fucking sorry!' You throw your hands up in the sky before turning on your heel and speeding out of the room and towards the balcony.

You're still in Greece and you love it here but this is not how you wanted it to go. 'Don't just walk away from me now!' You hear him yelling inside but you ignore it. You don't need this now! 'Fuck!' He swears but you just let it slide off your back and stare at the breathtaking view. A soft breeze is calming you down and you hum a song softly to block the negative things out. You know Tom is leaving soon to get to work and for once, you don't care that he is leaving. You both need some time to cool down. You hear him yelling some awful things that are really hurting your feelings but you refuse to go back inside and face him.

Tom isn't home by dinner and that's sort of strange. You know he's done for an hour already. Without thinking about what could possibly have happened, you eat by yourself. He just needs more time alone, you get that. He will come back and you will make up. That's how it's supposed to go.


However, Tom needs more than just "cooling down". It's not like he is looking for other women or anything, he's not a cheater but he could use a drink. Something quite strong to be precise. He enters a bar and immediately all heads turn to see who entered. Some people recognize him, calling him Loki or already asking for autographs. Those are mostly women though. When he finally sits at the bar, the bartender asks for a handshake. Could you believe that? Too cool for a hug but too shy for a picture or autograph. It's ok, though. Tom can appreciate it. 'Do you have Bourbon on the rocks?' He asks and the man nods, asking if he wants straight or blended. 'Straight please.' Tom watches how the man pours him his drink while asking him about his part as Loki. He doesn't mind. It's the part that most people know. Honestly, Tom is so certain that wherever he goes, whatever corner of the world, everyone knows Loki. And it's great! It makes him feel special.

After a few drinks, Tom is singing with the Greek people in the bar, picking up some Greek words and actually just really falling in love with the country. Some part of him hates that he is acting like a stereotype drunk on holiday but he just had to put his mind to something else. And it is working. You're far away at the moment. The only thing he is now concerned for is if the sports team he favours is going to win.

'Alright. I've got to head home. What do I owe you?' The bartender shakes his head. 'It's on me tonight, Mr. Hiddleston. Just promise me you'll be back because you're fun to hang around with.' He nods, shakes the man's hand and thanks him. 'I will.' He then promises and gets out of the bar.

Back at "home", you are waiting for him but are completely shocked when you see him absolutely hammered. 'What? No! You didn't!' He laughs and walks past you, the stench of alcohol filling your nostrils. 'I did, doll. What are you going to do about it?' You just cringe when he calls you doll. This is hardly the time for stupid pet names! 'It was just a fight, Tom! I wasn't going to leave you! Why? Why did you turn to drinking?' You cross your arms in front of your chest. 'Because I had nowhere to go.. Just.. stop. Ok? Let me be drunk now. It's not like I have work tomorrow.' You shake your head as you start walking towards the bedroom. 'On the contrary. You do have to work tomorrow, Aristotle.' With that, you exit the room and make yourself ready for bed.

To be truly honest, this side of Tom shocks you. You know he fancies a drink often but that sticks with one or two. But now, he threw his limits out of the window and practically drowned himself in alcohol. Of course you wanted to experience drunk Tom but you wanted to do that together. Not with you being angry with him.

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