Chapter 19 Glowing Roses and Camellia Flowers (edited)

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It was later in the night, Ririi was getting ready for bed, she just finished an amazing novel. It was none other than the classic romance novel, Romeo and Juliet. She borrowed it from Hyde, knowing he was a Shakespearean fan. She loved his work, but before she jumped into the cozy bed, she heard a creaking noise. It sounded like a door opening, but the only door that was closest to hers was Rose's room. "Strange? Who would be up at this hour? Maybe Rose went to get some water or something." Ririi yawned and slipped on her robe and slippers. "I better go check it out just in case." She grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight.

Everything was silent in the mansion. Ririi looked down at her phone. "1:36 A.M." Ririi crept towards Roses room and noticed that the door was, in fact, open and a red light was illuminating the entrance. Peeking into the room Ririi noticed Rose was asleep in bed, but she was not alone. Tsubaki was lying beside her. He was propped up on his elbow while stroking Rose's long brunette hair. Ririi peered down at the covers and noticed many glowing red roses and camelia flowers surrounding the pair.

"Sweet Rose, dear Rose, you helped me so much today, it would only be right if I returned the favor. I will keep your nightmares away." Tsubaki's eyes were glowing at this point. It wasn't an evil type of glowing it was oddly, calming.

Rose smiled in her sleep and snuggled into her pillow. Ririi put a hand over her heart and smiled, 'maybe your creator never loved you Rose, but I think Tsubaki does. You deserve to be happy and I think he will be the one who helps you conquer your fear of being alone.' Ririi gently shut the door why Tsubaki wasn't paying attention and went back to her own room.

When Ririi walked into her room she closed her door and looked at her bed. She was shocked to see what laid on her pillow. A single camellia flower was laying on her pillow. She gently took the flower into her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Ririi sighed and looked at the door then back down to the flower, perhaps it was time to move on from the past and look towards the future.

Ririi shook her head and snuggled into bed. That night she dreamt of her mother and father. She dreamt of the happier times when she was a child.

Lily smiled down at Ririi's sleeping form. A pink hue surrounded his hands and Ririi's head 'I hope those memories will help you sleep peacefully. Misono asked me to do this. He truly likes you Miss Ririi.'

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