Chapter 25 You Do Bleed Red (Lime warning!!!) (edited)

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(Author note: I am adding a mature warning to this chapter. This chapter DOES have mature content. a Lime if you will. please read with caution. If you do not like mature content please skip this chapter.)

Rose sighed in content while stroking Tsubaki's Fur. His fox form was so calming while sleeping. This was causing her to daze off into her little world. Yet her little world was cut short by Tsubaki's subclasses.

Over a few days, she became acquainted with many of Tsubaki's subclasses. She saw them as her second family. Belkia always entertained her with cute card tricks or annoying Tsubaki. Rose especially loved his cute doll form.

Hegan was the old red-headed man, she loved spending time with him. The two of them would occasionally paint on the roof of the mansion. To her surprise, she was an "excellent painter" as Hegan said.

Sakuya was like a brother to her. He would always tell Rose about the times he and Mahiru went out to the festivals, she knew the two were the best of friends. Even though his stories were long she would listen to them anyway. She found it amazing how strong of a bond the two shared.

Shamrock was also quite entertaining but an odd fellow. He was like Tsubaki's Irish butler. He would always call Tsubaki 'young master' which Tsubaki would become annoyed by the name. Rose found this to be so cute and adorable. The Irish man once even tried to get Tsubaki to wear a tux like his own, this resulted in Tsubaki becoming annoyed and walking out of the mansion.

Otogiri, however, was a different story, Rose and Otogiri became great friends but had little in common. Otogiri would find dressing in cute clothes to be an acceptable way of bonding. This only resulted in Rose wearing super tight dresses.

"Rosie?" Belkia was the first to speak, "Yes Belkia?" "Is Tsu-Tsu up yet?" "Not yet, he was a sleepy little fox." Rose gently stroked Tsubaki's twin fox tails causing the tiny creature to shiver. "so, we all have a question for you Rosie." Rose looked up from Tsubaki to the pink-haired subclass, "What's your question? I'll try my best to answer it." "Well we know how you've finished your goal as of helping the Servamps, and we subclass were wondering if you would become Tsubaki's second in command." Hegan groaned and punched Belkia in the arm "He means girlfriend. Would you be interested in being Tsubaki's girlfriend?"

Otogiri motioned to Tsubaki "It's a pain but he talks about you all the time, it drives us subclass crazy, and that's a problem." Shamrock nodded in agreement, "young master doesn't know how to accept his feelings, nor how to ask you properly. So, he asked us to ask you for him." Hegan nodded in agreement, "Tsubaki loves you Fear, please say that you will be his. It would be a shame to see you both drift apart from one another, you seem to like each other. You are the only one I know of that can calm him down the way you do." Sakuya scoffed, "Not to mention you can put up with him..."

Rose looked down at Tsubaki shocked 'He likes me?! the same way I like him?!' Belkia piped up once more, "You've changed him, and he finds you entertaining. Most people can't even do that. Also, you're the first person I've ever met that can even tolerate his laughter. You showed him what it truly means to care for someone." Rose blushed looking away from Tsubaki's subclass "I-I was created for all of the Servamps. I'm not for sure if I could do that...I-I do like him...but...what about the others...?"

Rose felt Tsubaki's fox form stiffen. "haaaaaa...Rose...I do not understand, why have these unspoken rules? They are pointless. You have shown me what it's like to have my Servamp siblings back. You have a kind heart dearest Rose, you must understand why I need you to stay beside me for the rest of our eternity." Rose's cheeks flushed a bright red. "T-Tsubaki? Y-you heard?" "Every word dearest Rose, I wasn't asleep. You forget we Servamps hardly need sleep."

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