Chapter 31 She's Still Not Back (edited)

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Tsubaki sat beside the window, it was starting to get late in the evening, seven-o-clock to be exact. "she's still not back..."

Hugh strutted into the room with Tetsu and paused when he saw Tsubaki "Tsubaki are you waiting on Miss Fear to come back?" Tetsu looked at the melodic man with a blank expression, only to receive a slight nod back. "I think she went out with Mr. Greed just a while ago, he said something about new outfits and haircuts."

Tsubaki perked up in his spot, Greed, and Fear? Going out together? Almost like a date? "No, that can't be right." Tsubaki gripped his chair and gritted his teeth.

Hugh jumped from his Eves's shoulder to the armrest of Tsubaki's chair. "Did Rose even tell you that she's developed feelings for someone here Tsubaki?" "And is that person brother number five because she sure acts as though she likes him so much, I don't know why I even thought she could help me. she boosted my self-esteem, my hopes, and my fixed attitude but that all crashed down this evening, now didn't it Pride!? You should know, you're the Servamp of pride. I let that get in the way." Tsubaki smirked and started to uncontrollably laugh before it died down a moment later "how could I be so boring."

Hugh growled and crossed his arms looking away from Tsubaki "I don't think you know exactly what you're talking about Tsubaki. You don't know anything about her. She might know everything about you, but you only know her past and that's it. I don't know what she sees in you...I told her not to fall in love with you, but she didn't listen."

shocked Tsubaki became silent, his breath seemed to come to a halt. "What...What exactly did she tell you." "I started to get a hunch by the way she looked at you, I confronted her about it. The first time she told me she was so happy, she told me many things, but I told her that it probably wouldn't work knowing that she is Fear and you're Melancholy. I told her that you're incapable of love; however, that only provoked her to keep trying. She tried to show you how she felt, but it's hard for her, especially, knowing where she comes from and with her low self-esteem."

Tsubaki sighed and glanced at Hugh and Tetsu from the corner of his eye "Do you know where she went with him...?" Tetsu nodded and pulled out his phone "yes I do, I'll send you the directions from my phone Mr. Tsubaki. I overheard Lawless talking to Licht about this place. He said something about he saw a dress that Rose would look good in." "dress? Why would Rose need a dress?" Hugh questioned Tsubaki. Tsubaki's blood boiled with absolute rage. "I have no idea..." Tetsu looked at both of them astonished "Licht is performing at a charity ball and everyone associated with the Servamp group was invited. I'm surprised you haven't heard about it. I think Licht gave your invitation to Sakuya." "That explains why I did not know about it. All right, thank you Hugh and hot springs boy. I would stay and chat some more, but I need to go to Rose. I will ask her to this ball thing and While we are on the subject, I will ask her if she will be mine."

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