Chapter 32 Salon With Lawless (edited)

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Lawless sat in the main room of the salon waiting for Rose. One of the female workers was giving him a pedicure while he waited. "so how much longer will her hair cut be?" The female smiled up at Lawless and nodded to him, it seemed she did not speak his language. "So she doesn't speak English...lovely..." Rolling his eyes Lawless laid back in his chair. He sighed to himself but smiled when the owner of the salon came out from the back.

"It took us three hours, but she is finished. We fixed every split end, conditioned, shampooed, and cut it a little shorter while also giving her some cute bangs. Introducing a new and improved beautiful woman." Looking up to the curtain separating the rooms Rose slipped out from behind the curtain. Lawless quickly got up from his chair to admire Rose's new hairstyle. "W-wow..." "D-does it look that bad?" Rose blushed and tried to hide behind the curtain only to be dragged out into view. "Rose, you look fantastic. It's a nice improvement."

Rose smiled happily and hugged Lawless. "Thank you so much, Hyde. This has been so much fun." "But it's not over yet Rose, I'm still taking you clothes shopping. You shouldn't be walking around in that outfit, you might attract too much attention from unwanted men and I would have to kill them." Giggling at Hyde's comment, Rose looked at the owner of the store "how much was my hair cut?" "No need to ask that madam. Your friend here has already paid for it."

Rose looked up at Hyde who smirked down at her. "well let's get going, Rose. The night has only just begun. I found a cute dress nearby that you might like!" "R-really?"

Lawless smiled and nodded "of course! You need one for the ball tomorrow night!"

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