Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V

Number 12 Grimwalds place was packed with people. The order was having another meeting so the kids were upstairs.
Hermione and Ginny were playing wizard chess in their room. Fred and George were busy inventing new pranking equipment. The last time they were doing this they caused a smoke bomb. Molly had the banned them from it after trying for hours and failing to shut up the portrait of Mrs. Black. But according to the twins she was committing ' creative murder' and claimed what she wouldn't know won't hurt her.
Ron and Harry were simply lying on their beds talking about the upcoming school year. Or more like Ron telling harry to ' man up'.

" I'm telling you mate , this year you have to talk to her. Stalking her is just plain creepy" Ron exclaimed. Apparently harry was to scared to talk to his crush for the last five years. Ron was sick of the googly eyes and the constant pining. It was getting ridiculous.

"I've tried Ron but I just cant. Besides why would she want to talk to me, all I cause it trouble"

In truth he had tried to talk to her but evert time he got close enough he chickened out. He could face voldemort  and a basilisk even a dragon yet he can't talk to one girl. Of course she wasn't just one girl to him thou. Scarlett green was much more than that to harry. She was always in trouble and always seemed to have an ace up her sleeve.

Ron let out a loud groan at Harry's response.

"For Christ's sake you harry potter , the boy who lived. Use some of that griffindor  courage already"

"What exactly would we even talk about Ron" sassed harry. He turned around do he could talk face to face with his best friend. Ron just didn't understand why he was scared. She was crazy and beautiful always plotting at ways to annoy malfoy. Many even thought that the sorting hat was wrong placing her in Slytherin. Even if he did talk to her he wouldn't know what to say to her.

Ron was finally fed up with the conversation. In his mind desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Harry if you don't talk to her before Christmas I WILL tell Sirius that you have a crush" Ron threatened in an eerily calm voice.
Harry almost fell of the bed in shock. He must be minding he would never, thought harry.
The idea of Sirius finding out was scary. He would embarrass harry to no end. Then he would probably try to teach harry how to pick up woman. According to Remus Sirius was a complete lady's man during their time at Hogwarts.

"You wouldn't dare" warned harry. Ron simply raised his eyebrows as if to say 'try me'.

After a moments hesitation he finally quit. "Fine " sighed harry. He could only hope that he wouldn't make a complete fool of himself in front of her.
When the meeting was over the kids were called down for dinner by molly. Harry had only 4 days left until he was going back to Hogwarts. But this time rather that be excited to return he was dreading it.

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