chapter 21

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Ron stood at the end of Harry's bed the next morning in shock. Harry got lucky it seemed. He watched as his best mate snuggled closer to Scarlett. Slowly he creeped closer and began to poke Harry's cheek harshly .

Harry jumped awake , causing Scarlett to groan. He immediately stiffened.

"Ron" harry whispered looking up at his friend.

"Yep" Ron answered smugly

"What do I do?" he panicked , looking at Scarlett in horror. "Do I wake her up?".

Ron put his hands up in surrender. " don't ask me how am I supposed to bloody know".

The noise made Scarlett wake up with a groan. At first she didn't know where she was. Her eyes scanned the room and landed on harry and Ron . both boys looking at her."morning " she grumbled , rising from the bed and stretching.

"Morning" they greeted in union

"What time is it" she grumbled rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Around 7 " ron answered.

" aww shit. I forgot about class. See you later then" Scarlett said walking out the door leaving both boys stunned.

"She does know the rumour that'll start right?" Ron wondered.

"Yep" harry answered bluntly.

"God that's brave" Ron breathed. "How did she get here anyway".


Scarlett walked down the stairs with an arrogant smirk on her face. The looks she received not effecting her in the slightest.

She entered her dorm and got ready for the morning.


On her way to the great hall she saw Ron at the door. He looked like he was waiting for someone. She walked towards him quietly sneaking up on him.

" BOO" she yelled behind him causing her ginger friend to jump out of his skin in fright. She burst out laughing at the look on his face.

"What was that for" Ron asked gripping his chest in fright. "Damn you walk quiet " he muttered to himself.

"Thanks " Scarlett laughed. The pair walked into the hall together.

"Awww isn't this cute. Little Scarlett and the weasel , and I thought you couldn't stoop any lower" malfoy sneered when he saw them. He sent a disgusted look at Ron." His your father weasel. I heard the ministry is buckling down on blood traitors " he mocked.

Ron looked down from malfoys gaze. Scarlett was the complete opposite. She was shaking with rage , her fists clenched in anger . she took an intimidating step towards malfoy.

"It filth like you that should n-" malfoy was interrupted by Scarlett's fist meeting harshly with his face. He was forced to step back from the power of her blow. Blood gushed down his nose. "YOU BITCH" he screamed , he moved to hit Scarlett but she jumped on him before he could.

Scarlett straddled him. Punching his face repeatedly in anger. Ron was her friend and she swore to always defend what she thought was right.

The great hall erupted in cheer and chanting "FIGHT, FIGHT ,FIGHT".
Nobody tried to pull the pair apart.
Teachers ran to find the cause of the commotion

" miss green , what do you think your doing" McGonagall cried. She moved to break the pair apart. She gripped Scarlett's hand before she could land another blow. This seemed to snap Scarlett out of her daze.

She looked around in a daze. All the student's stepped back as she stood up.

"Professor Snape please take miss green to dumbledores office at once , while I take Mr malfoy to the hospital wing" McGonagall demanded as she helped the Slytherin's to carry malfoy.

Snape grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her out of the hall. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT BLOOD PURITY AGAIN YOU DISCRIMINATIVE LITTLE SHIT" she screamed as Snape dragged her away.

"Do you know what you have done" he seethed. "You foolish girl".

he practicality flung her into dumbledores office and closed the door with a slam.

The room was tense when she met the headmasters eyes. Only he wasn't the only one there. Umbridge  smiled wickedly at her by dumbledores side.


Ron paced the gryffindor common room nervously.He was in shock at what had happened , the whole school was. This wasn't something that she could get out of even if she wanted to.

" Ron what happened " harry panted as he ran through the portrait. "I heard there was a fight".

" I heard" Hermione stated as she walked down the dormitory stairs.

"Harry you should have seem it" Ron answered. "Scarlett almost killed him".

" WHAT" Hermione and harry yelled.

"Why , who , what the hell happened" harry asked , sitting down by the fire.

"Well answer Ronald"Hermione demanded sharply.

" malfoy kept teasing me in the great hall. Scarlett was next to me. One second he was mocking me and the next she was on top of him , punching him and wouldn't stop. The teachers broke it up and took her to dumbledore. Nobody was heard anything. Malfoy's in the hospital wing unconscious " Ron ranted. "And its all my fault"

"Wow" said Hermione , leaning back on the sofa.

"It not your fault Ron , malfoy just finally got what was coming to him" harry comforted.

"What gonna happened" Hermione wondered.

"No idea" Ron answered honestly.


"I'm so sorry Scarlett" dumbledore said putting his hand on her shoulder in comfort. " if it had been in my control-"

"Its alright professor" Scarlett said weakly. She sent him a weak smile "I'll be OK".

" it was out of my hands Scarlett "


Nobody had seem Scarlett until after dinner that day.

Harry , Ron and Hermione run up to her when they saw her.

"Well what happened" asked Ron

"Did you get expelled" Hermione asked

"Well then" said harry.

Scarlett still had blood on her face. Her hand had been bandaged.

"I got suspended" she answered with pride in her voice.




Scarlett stood tall and proud. " I did what someone should have done a long time ago. He had no right for saying that to you Ron".

"But this is on your permanent record" stated Hermione.

"I would rather to the right thing and fight for what I believe than let him get away with it. It was a long time coming" she defended.

"So when do you leave" asked harry sadly.

"Now actually , the trains waiting for me" she answered.

She moved to walk away from them but stopped when Ron shouted from the door.

"Thank you"

"For what" she asked

"Defending my family"


It was cold when Scarlett stepped of the train and into the platform. She was going home to hell.

Her parents stood with scowls on their faces as they saw her.

One thing was for certain. Life was about to get a lot more painful for Scarlett.

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