chapter 32

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"I can do this" harry ranted beside Ron."I mean I've done worst right" he laughed nervously. He glanced back at Scarlett and Hermione talking by the library doors.

He snapped out of it when he felt Ron give him a harsh pat on his shoulder." Course you can mate , your harry frickin potter".

"Exactly" harry stated with false confidence. " I'll ask her right now".

He made it three steps before rushing back to Ron.

"I can't bloody do this!. She'll say no".

" or yes" Ron snapped. He pushed harry towards Scarlett , sending a glare as warning.

Harry took a deep breath. It was time for some of that gryffindor courage. Why the hell didn't he have any. He walked slowly yet determined towards Scarlett.

"Hi Scarlett , good morning?"he asked , scratching the back of his head. " c-can I ask you something ".

" sure harry" she smiled gently at him. It only made his nerves that much worse.

"Wouldyougotohogsmeadwithme"he rushed out in one single breath. Her head tilted in confusion.

" at little slower please. I didn't quite catch that" she asked , placing her hand on his arm in a silent effort to get him to calm down.

Harry puffed out one more breath before looking at her."I said , would you like to go to hogsmead with me". This time more clearly. Avoiding her gaze at all cost.

"Like a date" she teased.

"Yeah" harry answered quickly before he lost his nerve. "So what do you think?".

" No hogsmead"

Harry was disappointed by her answer. Lowering his head and shaking it."that's fine. I knew it was stupid anyway " he turned to walk off.

Scarlett grabbed his arm before he could leave. " I'm not saying no. I just don't want to go to hogsmead. Pinky probably has spies there" she explained. Smiling when he met her gaze.

"So its a yes"

"Yes harry"

"SHE SAID YES!!" harry all but yelled , fist bumping the air. He quickly stopped , realizing she was still in front of him."sorry about that. Where would we even go?".

Scarlett smirked as if the question was obvious , gently swaying from side to side." London , of course ".

" London " harry asked in disbelief , wondering if he heard her correctly.

"I did promise to take you with me next time I went" she reminded. "Meet me at the secret passage to honeydukes at curfew".

Harry watched her walk away in shock. Apparently he was going to London tonight.


Scarlett finished putting on her lipstick before looking at herself in the mirror. The outfit was a little dressier than usual since it was a date. Her make up natural except for her red lipstick and her hair was in loose curls down her back.

 Her make up natural except for her red lipstick and her hair was in loose curls down her back

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