chapter 23

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The Green household was preparing for Christmas. The annual Christmas party was tonight and Mrs.Green was tending to the final preparations.

Mr. Green had chosen to lock himself away in his study to stay out of her way. Some very important people were coming tonight and everything had to be perfect. His daughter included.

Flowers littered the house along with the sound of her mother screeching like a banshee. Slowly Scarlett got up off the floor of her room. She looked in the mirror on her vanity with a cold expression. Her face was littered with cuts and bruises. One thought was crossing her mind , if she was going to leave it had to be tonight when everyone was distracted.

The money from her account had already been transfered elsewhere so that nobody but her could touch it. For now all she had to do was play semi nice.

A long red ballgown was lying on her bed when she got out of the shower. It was beautiful yet she was positive it was originally green. Her house elf Winkle had probably changed it in her favour.

She had spent the day packing up her thinks such as clothes and personal belongings into a black duffel bag with an non detectable extension charm. It was under her bed ready for when its needed.

The party was in a half an hour and Scarlett was ready and waiting. It would only be a few more hours and then she would leave this place forever.

The door opened just as she got up from the floor. Turning to face the devil.

"What do you think your doing" her mother screeched in disgust. She rushed to Scarlett's closet tearing through the clothes trying to find something suitable for her to wear. "The party starts in an hour and you better behave" she threatened gripping Scarlett's chin painfully.

A red ballgown was shoved into Scarlett's hands and she was force to sit in front of her vanity.

"Now get ready" she threatened before storming out of the room.

Scarlett let out a sigh of relief , feeling as if she could finally breath again.
She looked down at the dress. It was beautiful and off the shoulder.

She laid it carefully on her bed before starting to do her make up. She kept it simple except for adding a bright red lipstick. When she was done it was time for her to put on her dress and heels. She didn't know how to style her hair so it was just brushed to the side.

 She didn't know how to style her hair so it was just brushed to the side

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"Finally" her father spat as she walked down the stairs."the guests are starting to arrive ".


An hour later the party was in full swing and nobody seemed to notice Scarlett slip back into her room.

Quickly she changed out of her dress.(outfit up top). She didn't have much time left if she wanted to sneak out. She slung her bag over her shoulders just as her bedroom door was forced open.

Garret Green glares murderously at his daughter before stalking towards her and punching her hard in the eyes. It was sure to bruise.

He gripped her arms forcing her to look at him. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" he roared pulling her hair harshly.

She struggled to get away from him as black wisps started coming out of her hands and her veins and eyes turned black.

"YOU ARE MEANT TO BE A GIFT TO THE DARK LORD". He shook her violently giving her whiplash. " YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE ".

Without thinking Scarlett raised her black smoky hands towards her father sending him flying across the room.

He hit his head off her dresser , making him dazed for a second. He moved to hit her again, stumbling. As he reached for his wand Scarlett quickly grabbed the letter opener on her vanity , slicing his throat.

Bloody gurgles filled the room as she stood in shock at what she had done. His body fell with a thud to the floor.

Now she had to run. Run as far and as fast ad she could before someone found her.

She dashed to the window before jumping out of it. She barely felt the pain as she landed , running to the nearest bar to use their fireplace.

She practically slammed the floo powder on the floor , screaming were she wanted to go.

The next thing she knew she was in an alleyway in Diagon alley in the pouring ran huddled up against a wall.

The full weight of what happened to her hit her hard. She was now a murderer.

 With this realisation the monster inside was finally unleashed

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With this realisation the monster inside was finally unleashed. The obscurial was now in control , ready to cause terror.

 The obscurial was now in control , ready to cause terror

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