chapter 8

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The day went by fast. Classes were all mainly filled with teachers telling them about their O.W.L.s  and how they needed to study hard.

It was finally time for the last class of the day, which Scarlett dreaded with  all her being. The last class was defence against the dark arts with was being taught by what she liked to call ' the pink bitch '.

All houses seemed to be in the class. Scarlett entered just as a paper bird started flying threw the air.

She quickly took a seat alone at the back and put her bag on the floor. Just as the leaned back on her chair to put her feet on the desk she heard 'pinky' burn the paper bird. What a bitch.

"Good morning children" she told them with false sweetness. As Scarlett expected , she was dressed in all pink like the night before.

"Ordinary wizarding level examinations" she continued as she made her was to the front of the room. As she talked the chalk board wrote what she said." More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe" umbridge warned as she used her wand to pass books around to the class.

The books looked like something a child would read. Scarlett pulled a face of disgust. What the fuck is wrong with this woman. If this was what the ministry were doing to change Hogwarts, this school is going to go to hell.

"Your previous instruction on this subject has been disturbingly uneven". This caused Scarlett to snort quietly. It was obviously uneven if they had a new teacher every year.

"You'll be pleased to know, from now on you'll be doing a carefully structured, ministry approved course of defensive magic" she spoke sweetly.

Scarlett looked at her like she was crazy. Although she probably is. She looked around the room to see what everyone else though of what umbridge had said.

Hermione Granger was the one who spoke next. She raised her hand to get umbridge's  attention.

"Yes" umbridge asked her sweetly.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells" Hermione questioned , looking at umbridge for answers. This made Scarlett raise an eyebrow in disbelief. Its official this school is doing down the toilet.

"Using spells" umbridge laughed at the question. " I can't imagine why students would need to use spells in my classroom " she answered as she walked towards Hermione in an attempt to be intimidating.

This caused Scarlett to speak up for the first time since she entered to room. "You do know the subject your teaching right. Not to mention its a magic school" she sassed loudly.

This caused umbridge to turn and glare at her. Scarlett returned her glare tenfold and crossed her arm.

"And who exactly are you" umbridge spat.

" well, unlike you I don't have a fucking barbie fetish and have a brain. You on the other hand look like  Barbie's grandma with a factory malfunction " Scarlett said boldly. This caused the class to erupt in giggles. They were waiting for this to happen. If anyone would say anything it would be Scarlett.

The look on umbridge's face was priceless. She was red in the face with anger." SILENCE " she demanded. This made the room go quiet. She walked closer to Scarlett.

"Detention tonight" she snarled as she glared down at her.

But before they could continue Ron interrupted "where not going to use magic" he questioned baffled as him and harry exchanged glances.

Umbridge walked back up to the front of the room as she answered. " you'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk free way" she spoke as if they were toddler's.

"What use is that, if we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free" harry stated loudly.

"Agreed" shouted Scarlett from the back of the room. This made harry smile slightly. He was happy that at least someone would be on his side of the argument.

"Students will raise there hands when they speak in my class" umbridge spoke sharply. " it is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all , is what school is all about.

"And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there" harry said defensively.

"There is nothing out there Dearie's, who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourselves" umbridge contradicted.

"Oh I don't know maybe lord voldemort" sassed Scarlett. She was sick of everyone not believing that he was back.

The room went quiet once again. " exactly" harry exclaimed while glancing quickly at Scarlett, who gave him a small smile to show her support.

" now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. Umbridge said sternly." This. Is . A . Lie".

"BULLSHIT" shouted Scarlett. This made everyone gasp. She had had enough of this womans rubbish. Scarlett stood up from her chair and picked up her textbook. " he is back , just because you're to scared to see that doesn't mean that it isn't true" she said. " this book won't help anyone" she exclaimed as she held it up.

"ENOUGH" roared umbridge. But Scarlett wasn't listening as she held a lighter from her jean pocket as she started to set the book on fire.

Umbridge started to walk vastly over to Scarlett. But Scarlett had already walked out and slammed the door behind her.

The class was silent once more. Umbridge was in a state of fury. Her knuckles were white as she gripped her want. Her jaw was clenched and she stood straight.

" there will be no more lies in my classroom " she spoke with venom.

"But its not a lie, I saw him, I fought him" harry exclaimed angrily.


"So according to you Cedric diggory dropped dead of his own accord" yelled harry .

"Cedric diggorys death was a tragie accident" she spoke innocently

"- it was murder, voldemort killed him , you must know that" interrupted harry.

"ENOUGH" umbridge shouted " enough, see me later Mr potter , my office and bring your classmate with you"

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