Chapter 2

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3 days later....

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen at grimwalds place yet again. Everyone was chatting with each other about the upcoming school year.
Harry was sat next to Sirius and across from Ron. Sirius was telling harry about his old school days with James. Everything was fine up until Ron asked Sirius." How did Harry's parents get on in school".
Sirius laughed at the question. " lily hated James with a passion, he kept asking her out and calling her ' Evans'. I'm surprised she didn't kill him although she did put him in the hospital wing once". Ron smirked at harry wondering if the same would happen between him and Scarlett. Harry sunk down in his seat in an effort to try and disappear.
When Ron opened his mouth to ask another question harry swiftly kicked him hard in the shin. Ron jumped in his seat and shouted " bloody hell". This silenced the whole table. Everyone was turning around to look at Ron who was rubbing his shin to ease the pain. Harry just smirked at his best friend's embarrassment. Serves him right.
"Sorry" muttered Ron. Molly hit him on the back of his head and turned away.
"So are you all excited for Hogwarts Dearie's" asked Molly. She was collecting everyone's plated so they could be cleaned. A chorus of "yeah" was heard across the room.

"Good, we will be leaving first thing in the morning so that we don't miss the train"


It was the morning that they were to return to Hogwarts. Molly was rushing trying to get everything ready. To say Ron was being difficult would be an understatement. He was still snoring loudly in his bed. Harry was ready to leave. His trunk had been packed the night before and he woke up early thanks to Ron's snoring. Now he just had to awaken the beast.

Harry crept up close to Ron's ear before shouting " roonnn".

Ron jerked awake with a fright. He quickly scanned the room, only to see harry rolling around on the floor laughing. "We are leaving in ten minutes" gasped harry between breaths.

Harry swore he had never seen his friend move so fast in his life. He rushed to get dressed and ran around the room throwing things in his trunk.
Just as he closed it molly came in.

"We're leaving now boy come on , come on" she ordered.

Harry and Ron ran down the stair with their trunks much to kreachers displeasure. Just as molly was about to close the door Sirius ran threw it in his animagus form. "For heavens sake Sirius I said no".
Sirius just fastened his pace so he could walk beside harry. He looked like the sassiest dog in the world in Harry's opinion.

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