chapter 6

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The feast was amazing like any other year. The food on the table seemed to never disappoint.

They all had eaten the most that they could before having to go to their common rooms.

Ron let out a large burp as he finished his food. Hermione shook her head in disgust at his actions. "Really Ron was that necessary" she remarked. All that she got in return was a shrug as Ron's attention was brought back to his food.

After the feast it was time to go back to the common rooms. Hermione and Ron had to leave to show the first years the way. Which meant that harry had to walk back to the common room alone.

This year there seemed to be a divide between harry and the other students. All because they refused to believe that voldemort was back.

As he walked into the crowded common room all the chatter seemed to stop as they all looked at him. This made harry nervous. He looked around the room and saw the latest copy of the daily prophet. The front page had his picture on it along with PLOTTER as the headline.

He was about to just go to the boys dormitories but quickly changed his mind.

"Good evening Seamus , dean did you have a nice holiday" harry asked quickly. He had to spend all year with these people so he what to be on good terms with them at least. The other students stood watching the awkward exchange.

"Alright I suppose, better than Seamus's anyway" answered dean.
After he said this Seamus swiftly slammed his copy of the daily prophet on the table and stood up.

"Me ma didn't want me to come back this year"Seamus stated.

"Well why not" asked harry. He hoped that this divide wouldn't last all year. It was hard enough to face every as it was.

"Oh, yeah because of you" Seamus snarled pretending to thing about it." The daily prophet's been saying a lot of things about ya harry, and dumbledore as well".

"What and your mum believes then" harry questioned. If the ministry was trying to drag his name through the mud harry was damn well going to defend himself.

"Well nobody was there the night Cedric died" stated Seamus like it was obvious.It sounded like he was blaming harry for Cedric's death.

At this harry felt his blood boil." Oh well I guess you should read the prophet them like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything you need to know" harry defended.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that" Seamus warned harry.

"I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar" said harry. Everyone seemed to be against him since the moment they saw him on the platform. He wasn't ignorant of the glares he received as he entered the train or at the great hall when they all made sure to stay away from him. These were his friends and they chose to take the ministry's side over his.

Ron entered the room just as Seamus was going to speak to harry."what's going on" asked Ron as he stood in front of harry.

"He's mad is what's going on,do you believe the rubbish he's come up with about You-Know-Who" Seamus asked with anger laced in his tone.

"Yeah I do" Ron stated defensively. Harry was his best mate and he was on his side. There was a long pause after Ron's reply. Everyone was staring at Ron and harry."anyone else got a problem with harry"Ron questioned loudly.

Harry was sick of being stared at so he quickly walked up the dormitory step. Ron trailed behind him.

"You alright?" Ron asked harry gently in an effort to try to calm harry down. Harry kicked his trunk and hurried to take off his tie.

"Fine" harry answered agitated. Nobody seemed to believe him. Now people he had know since first year didn't believe him either.

"Seamus was bang out of order mate,but he'll come through you'll see" continued Ron. This only seemed to make harry even more angry.

"I SAID I'M FINE RON" harry shouted. He regretted the words as soon as he said them. Ron looked like a kicked puppy after he said them.

"Right,just leave you to your thoughts then" said Ron as he turned and walked out of the room.

That night harry had a horrible nightmare. In the dream he was in a dark hallway. There was a door at the end of it. Then he saw flashed of a glass sphere filled with a grey mist,then he saw Cedric's face just as he was about to be killed, lastly he saw voldemort himself casting the killing curse.

This caused him to jump awake with a start. When he looked around he saw Ron looking at him from his bed.

As their eyes met they both silently agreed to just go back to sleep.

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