chapter 38

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The were taken to St. Mungo's for their injuries. Harry and Scarlett were pulled apart and placed in separate rooms. Healers rushing in and out all night. They all sat in the waiting room , some pacing like Ron and Sirius.

"So Scarlett was the obscurial?" Ron asked dumbledore and fudge in shock. "The one that went loose at Christmas".

" it appears so yes" fudge answered standing up and fixing his suit jacket."Not to worry. We'll take care of the situation. It is a dangerous problem after all , lethal even".

Without thinking Sirius grappled the man by his shirt and slammed him into the wall. "Your going to leave that girl alone" he growled in his face.

"We cannot let something so dangerous as a-"

"I've spent 14 year is azkaban because of you and that ministry you hide behind. You own me those year."

"Mr black "

"So if you don't want a lawsuit and full media coverage , and trust me I will tell them everything. Then your going to leave that girl alone. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR"

Cornelius Fudge nodded his head instantly upon seeing the crazed look in his eye and knowing that Sirius had a biased trial.


Harry was the first to wake up. He looked around the room , seeing it was empty. Slowly he got out of bed and walked to the door. The hallway was filled with people but he crept to the room down the hall from his. Seeing his girlfriend through the window on the door.

Harry snuck in and sat in the chair by her bed , taking a hold of her hand. She looked sickly pale. Cuts scattered around her body. She opened her eyes when he squeeze her hand a little too tightly. She gulped worried of what he must think of her now that he knew what she really was.

"Are you angry" she asked quietly.

He shook his head , silent tears falling from his face."i-i thought I lost you" he croaked. "And you being an could have told me"

"I-i-im sorry" she said weakly , tears falling from her own face.

"No more secrets" harry said "from now on no secrets from either of us".

Scarlett moved to give him space on the bed so he could lay down. He did just that , harry gently ran a hand through her hair. Glad that for once no one he cared about had to die like last year.

" I need to tell you about what happened at Christmas " Scarlett said looking up at him. "You should know what happened to my father".


The media was all over what had happened.

They were released from hospital after a few day and school was now over for the summer. Scarlett sat on Harry's bed as he packed his trunk for the train.

" you could help you know" he teased as she threw another shirt at him.

"I am" she giggled as he closed his trunk and sat beside her on the bed. She leaned into his side and pulled fish face down for a kiss. He kissed her back happily , putting his hand behind he head to deepen the kiss.

"I need to talk to dumbledore. I'll see you at the platform" harry smiled as she got up from the bed.

Scarlett walked towards Hermione's room next. Harry and Ron were both fine with her being an obscurial but she still hadn't talked to Hermione yet.

She knocked on the door before entering. Hermione was the last one in the room , packing like harry had.

"Hi" Scarlett said nervously scratching her shoulder. "I thought we should talk about m-"

"You don't have to" Hermione assured her with a smile. "I really don't can if your an obscurial. Your still one of my best friends"

Scarlett let out a sigh in relief.

"When I first met you I thought you were a bitch"

"What changed" asked Scarlett

"Oh I still think your a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you". They looked at each other before laughing.

" well I try my best"


They all gathered at the platform and walked to the train. "I've been thinking about something dumbledore said to me" harry stated.

"What's that" Hermione asked

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us. We've got something voldemort doesn't have"

"Yeah" said Ron

"Something worth fighting for" harry answered as he looked at Scarlett s hand in his.

"Sound good to me" Scarlett stated with a smile.

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