chapter 26

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It was the night of Christmas eve and grimmwalds  place was packed with life. Molly , Hermione , Ginny and even Tonks were making cookies. Sirius , mad eye and Arthur were playing poker. The twins were lying on the floor groaning about how they ran out of ideas.

Harry and Ron were in their room upstairs trying to wrap presents.

"Harry cover your big fat face" Ron demanded as he reached for the scissors.

"WHAT" harry all but screeched. "Why". Harry moved his wrapped present to the pile next to him.

Ron looked him in the eye before pointing the scissors at his face." Never mess with the man with the scissors".

"Ron have you gone mad" asked harry in surprise. "Why do I even have to".

" For the sake of Hermione's Christmas present that's why" he threatened with the scissors. "Now cover up so I can wrap your present".

" Why , I'm not a stripper Ron"

"Don't go stealing my future career" Ron joked as harry covered his face with one of his shirts.

Just as Ron cut a line of wrapping paper they  heard the pop of someone apparating  and Sirius yell "OH FOR FUCK SAKE". Which was following by him groaning " sorry molly. Don't use bad language kid , it makes you ugly".

Harry and Ron moved to lean over the stairs to see who arrived. They all heard the door click and everyone moved to the hallway.

The mousy brown hair of Remus lupin was the first thing harry saw. Until he moved to the side and revealed a disheveled Scarlett behind him. This made most of the teenagers stare in shock. Ron gasped beside harry , causing her to look up and lock eyes with harry. Her green eyes were broken looking. He could see scratchs on her face along with a few nasty looking bruises.

"Its getting a bit late. Don't you think so molly?" Lupin asked firmly.

Molly looked at Scarlett a few seconds more before nodding her head. "Yes , absolutely. Children got to bed now please. If your not asleep then santa won't come".

When her words got no response she raised her voice as a warning " Bed , now". This got them all running upstairs and into their rooms.

George and Fred were the last to go. But before they did, they  moved in front of  Scarlett. Molly was just about to tell them off until the two pulled Scarlett into a tight hug and them moved up the stairs.

"Well then " molly said cheerfully , moving to wrap an arm around Scarlett. "Let's fix up those cuts and bruises then shall we".

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