chapter 28

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Harry woke up early Christmas morning. It looked like he was the only one awake , he walked quietly down the stairs to the kitchen. He almost jumped at the sight of Sirius sitting on the table when he opened the door.

"I thought I was the only one awake" said harry taking a seat across from his godfather.

"So did I" Sirius said smiling slightly at his godson. " must have gotten lost in thought".

Harry looked at Sirius's tired face before asking " what were you thinking about".

"Your little friend upstairs. Just brought back memories that's all" he waved off as it it was nothing. He looked at the time before turning back to harry " we are up early aren't we" he joked.

"Sirius" harry asked hesitation in his voice. "What happened to Scarlett exactly. All we know is that she disappeared after she got suspended".

" she got suspended " Sirius wondered , trying to avoid the question. "What for?".

" She punched malfoy into a mini coma for being blood prejudice towards Ron" harry explained , not noticing Molly weasley standing behind him listening to everything.
"Umbridge force dumbledore to suspend her until after Christmas. I think Ron said she broke a finger or two she hit his so hard".

" I'll have to thank her when she wakes up" said molly , making harry jump from behind him." Now I'd better start breakfast ".

Harry turned back to Sirius who was now reading the daily prophet. " you never answered my question Sirius , what happened to her".

This made both adults freeze and stop what they were doing. Molly turned to look at Sirius. They seemed to share a silent agreement to tell harry some of the truth. "She got disowned harry" molly answered.

"Pureblood family's are complicated" Sirius explained. "If you go against their beliefs they kick you out of the family".

" its a disgrace is what it is" molly grumbled , chopped vegetables a little to harshly with the knife in her hand." Throwing away your child as if they were nothing ".

"So Scarlett got kicked out" asked harry shocked.

Sirius clasped Harry's hand in his before answered "no harry , she ran away. She was put in danger in that house with everything going on so she ran. She did the right thing harry"

"How do we help her then" asked harry.

"Don't act different towards her" said Sirius looking harry in the eye. "She'll talk when she wants to and when that happens you listen and keep an open mind. She needs a friend right now and its up to you lot be be there".

" exactly " Molly agreed putting plates of food in front of them. "Just remember , don't force her to talk" she told him. "Now eat your breakfast while I go walk up the others. I'll bring a plate up for Scarlett" she said piling food on a plate." I doubt she would want to come down this soon" she told Sirius who nodded in agreement.


Molly decided to give Scarlett her food first before waking the others.
She walked up the old creaky stairs careful not to fall.

Scarlett's room was at the end of the hall on the second floor. Molly knocked before entering the girls room.

What she saw nearly broke her heart. Scarlett seemed to already be wake and looked like she hadn't slept all night. Heavy purple bags were under her eyes and her bruises seemed to be healing nicely. But what saddened the monarch of the weasley family was the fact that Scarlett was just lying on the bed staring at the wall. She looked like a scared vulnerable animal that wanted to hide from the world.

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