chapter 35

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The day of the OWLs was upon them at last. Scarlett and the trio were all hunched over books studying last minute. Harry held Scarlett's bad hand on the table. Hermione had used a charm to ease the pain slightly after the bleeding and skellagrow had stopped.

"I am sooo screwed" Ron groaned , hitting his head off the table.

"Agreed" Scarlett yawned  leaning on harry slightly. " I barely even went to class this year".

"Suspended or by choice" Hermione joked , looking up at her. Finally closing her books.

"Take your pick and least I managed to avoid my fate this long" Scarlett teased. Charms was the first exam set to be in the great hall and being monitored my non other than the devil herself. "Should we head in now".

" yeah or we'll be late. We should find our seats" harry answered looking at his watch. They stood up and walked out the library.

"Remember. We have to walk eight inches part" Hermione reminded slightly annoyed.

"Right" Scarlett mocked , moving closer and tugging on Harry's arm so that she could get a piggy back ride.

"Scarlett she is going to kill you" Hermione stated. She worried over Scarlett enough as it was. Especially after the state of her hand. "Don't you still have detentions to work of".

Scarlett flinched from the reminder." That's next year's problem. If I have to hunt fumbles down during the summer and drag him here by the ear to get me out of it then so be it" she grumbled.

"So where to we sit" Ron asked.

"No idea. Just walk around please harry and then you can drop me in mine".

" I really am your my little pony aren't I"

"Always and forever , my love"

Harry blushed at the nickname , finally spotting their seats. "Scarlett your sitting next to me. Ron your sitting behind Hermione" harry explained , setting his girlfriend down at her desk.

"I have to go" Scarlett smiled innocently at the three of them. "Just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back I swear".


" Fred , George are we almost ready " Scarlett asked as she set up the firework display. They each agreed to meet in flitwicks classroom since it was close enough to the great hall.

"Just need another minute to get the brooms ready" George whispered back as he adjusted his robes.

Fred pulled out a bottle of firewiskey along with three shot glasses. " I propose a toast " he said handing them each a glass and filling it. "To our grand finale" he toasted.

"To the pranking princes of Hogwarts" Scarlett cheered. Downing the shot with the rest of them , slamming it on the teachers desk.

"Let's do this"


The hall was silent except for the giant clock ticking at the top of the room. Umbridge looked over them with a smirk plastered on her wrinkled face.

Hermione was scribbling her answered hastily onto the page. Ron looked worriedly at his own test from behind Hermione. Looking as if he wanted to just disappear.

Harry was halfway through with his test. Eyes locked with umbridges as he looked at him. She looked at the empty seat behind him in confusion.

A loud bang was heard outside the doors. The sounded louder , signalling that whatever it was was coming closer.

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