chapter 14

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"Albus are you insane. She is just a girl" screeched molly loudly. The were having an order meeting at headquarters and dumbledore had just told them about his idea of letting Scarlett join.

"Yes I'm aware however--"

"Albus we can't just induct people from the school like before. Especially with that woman from the ministry lurking around" remus interrupts.

"Besides , an obscurial is dangerous" Sirius added.

"But isn't it better to have her on our side" counters dumbledore. "At least then we can prevent the ministry from getting her".

" its still insane" mad-eye answered."but you do have a point " he grumbled.

"Then at least wait till the holidays" Sirius sighed defeated. "That way there's a less likely chance the ministry will find out"

"Agreed" sighed Remus.

"Then its settled. I'll ask her at Christmas".


Scarlett walked down the hallway searching for the famous weasley twins. Umbridge had annoyed Scarlett all day claiming she needed to do her class or would be punished. So Scarlett wanted to show her exactly who she was messing with. But this time she wanted outside help. The weasley products had been a hit all year. So she decided do ask Fred and George to join forces with her against.

" Fred, George , just the people I needed to see" she said looping their arms with hers as they walked.

They bother exchanged glances before  asking her.

"Soo Scarlett"

"-what could we help you with"

Scarlett smirked at them both.

"Fancy a bit of mischief" she asked innocently. "Aimed at our favourite pink leprechaun.

" we're in" said Fred

"-Say no more" continued George

With that the trio set of plotting and scheming for the rest of the afternoon.

The next time anyone saw Scarlett was at dinner in the great hall. But rather than sit with her own house she was sitting with harry yet again. Much to the boys surprise and joy.

"So do realise everyone glaring at you right" asked Ron as he looked around the table."even the Hufflepuff house".

Harry choked on his pumpkin juice."how the hell did you get them to glare at you".

"Prank gone wrong"

"What does that mean" asked Hermione looking at Scarlett as if she had done something bad.


"What does that mean"

"It means the timing was wrong on a prank and they became the victims of my rage"

"What did you do" asked harry smiling at her.

She smirked at him before replying, leaning forward so only the trio could hear her." I accidentally turned them all into umbitches. Far the say they were not pleased. But neither was she so it fine ".

The all started her in shock.

" that just rude" Hermione spoke. "Imagine having to be her .

" agreed I'd definitely become colour blind" teased Scarlett.

"How can you not be worried about what she might do to you" Ron asked baffled."She'll bloody kill you mate"

"Phase 1 is complete" she replied before sipping her juice.

"Oh god now your getting cryptic. God help us" Hermione groaned.

"If you think this is bad just wait and see what I can do"

"That's the problem green I do know you"

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