chapter 3

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Scarlett was always found causing trouble. So it was no surprise to anyone on the train when she was running down the aisles as if her life depends on it. All anyone could do was just smile and wait to see what she did next. She was the pranking queen after all. Even Fred and George agreed on it.
The train had only started moving half an hour ago. Normally when this happened she just ran into another compartment like every year.
This year she chose a compartment with Luna lovegood and Seamus Finnegan. So it wasn't surprising when she barged through the door and jumped on the bag rack to hide. Instead they helped her by covering her with the luggage.

"So what did ya do this time green" laughed Seamus. They weren't friends but they didn't hate each other. They only even spoke a handful of times even. But she was hilarious to have around.

Just as she opened her mouth to tell him a loud BANG was heard at the end of the train. They after a short pause a chorus of"GREEN"was heard by the Slytherins.

This year she had chosen to make all the Slytherins into barbie and kens. She though the muggleborns would find it funny.

Last year she turned all of them into chickens. In her opinion it was hilarious yet most people didn't since the little chicken army stormed the hallway looking for her to seek revenge. She even got a laugh out of  dumbledore for it. McGonagall even praised her for her use of transfiguration. Snape however was less than pleased. Instead from him she got two weeks detention. But she never shows up for any detentions she gets so she didn't care. Afterall she had better things to do.

"First of all its funny secondly, do you think its better than last year" inquired Scarlett. She was paranoid that the spell was a step down from last year.

Seamus and Luna both stuck their heads out the door to see what she did like everyone else on the train.

One look sent them into a roar of laughter on the floor. It turns out malfoy had been turned into ballerina barbie, tutu and all.

"Psst"Scarlett whispered from behind the luggage. She pushed her arm threw and tossed them her camera. "Don't forget to take pictures for the year book".

"Scarlett we don't have a year book club" answered Seamus.

"I know I'm starting it this year it going to be "prank edition".

So without further questions Seamus got to work on taking pictures. Some were blurry from him laughing so much.


Harry always enjoyed Scarlett's pranks. Everyone of them was bigger and better than the last. It was a bonus that they were mostly aimed at malfoy.

Ron and him always looked forward to her back to school prank. They were both laughing like mad men in their compartment. They couldn't even breath, they were laughing so much.

Fred and George were busy admiring her 'work of art'. They weren't close to her but they did hold her in high respect.

Hermione didn't like her pranks though. She though they were bullying. Even if she didn't like malfoy or his goons, she still though it was cruel.

" I can't believe that your laughing,  its bullying "

" No its not"Fred answered.

" its art" finished George.

"Come on Hermione, malfoy's an arse" Ron stated.

"That doesn't mean its okay Ronald " argued Hermione. It looked like nobody agreed with her.

"What do you think harry" asked Hermione. She hoped that he would be on her side.

"Hermione its funny " stated harry. He didn't want to hurt her feeling but it was the truth.

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