chapter 10

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The next morning was eventful for Scarlett. Since the moment she entered the common room. The reason for this is as always Draco malfoy being an asshole.

He seemed to never stop harassing the first years. They were sitting on a sofa doing last minute homework until he jinxed them off of it. Not only that though. After that he walked on there homework parchments.

The morning itself didn't even have a good start to it. As always Scarlett woke it an empty dorm room as always since her first year for being a ' blood traitor'. It may not hurt her that much anymore but it was still a constant reminder.

So when she saw malfoy bullying the first years she snapped. But she knew she had to be smart about what she did since it was as always her against everyone in Slytherin. If she lashed out at their 'king' then she knew it wouldn't end well for her. She had to be crafty about it.

So slowly and silently she walked towards the exit of the common room. Her hand reached for her wand and grasped the handle of it. She opened the door halfway so that she could make a run for it after she hexed malfoy.

She knew the perfect spell. She looked around the room quickly. She was about to cause an uproar. She walked out of the room but left the door cracked open."levicorpus " she whispered. As soon as the word fell out of her mouth she snapped a picture. Draco malfoy was now floating upside down.

Screams erupted from the room instantly. They started to look around the room for her. So she started to run away as fast as her legs could carry her towards the great hall.

Each twist and turn of the corridors was like a moment of peace to Scarlett. It may even be most of the reason my she loves pranks , the adrenaline in her veins.

Yet the moment soon ended when she crashed to the ground."ooww" she groaned when she felt the pain in her shoulder. but what surprised her most was the second groan she heard from someone else.

She rolled on her back to see who it was that she crashed into. It was none other that Harry Potter laying on the floor that had groaned. His glasses had fallen off and were laying on the ground.

"Sorry harry" she apologized as she helped him up from the floor. He looked different without his glasses almost strange even. She definitely liked him better with his glasses.

The sound of her voice caused him to freeze. She was talking to him. His long time crush that he never got the courage to talk to was talking to him.

"N-no its my fault" he stuttered.

"Absolutely not it was mine I ran into you"she said. Scarlett picked his glasses of the ground and gently put them on his face.

The feel of her fingers on his face felt so relaxing to Harry. They were soft and she had been nothing but kind to him. Unlike the other Slytherin's. If he ran into them they would do nothing but insult him. Yet she told him it was her fault and helped him up.

There was a crack on his glasses so his sight wasn't exactly right. 

"Ohh sorry let he fix that" said Scarlett as she took out her wand and pointed it at his glasses." Reparo".

The second his glasses repaired he saw her beautiful smile focused directly on him." Sorry about that" she spoke softly.

"Its fine" Harry answered. Since he was talking to her he realized is wasn't so bad. She was surprisingly easy to talk to. So he said something that surprised even him."do you want to have breakfast with me".

She tucked her hair behind her ear. A puzzled expression on her face. It took her a moment to answer. Each second harry dreaded what he had said and wondering what he was thinking.

"Yeah actually" she smile at him"I'd love to".

This brought a smile on  Harry's face. She had said yes to him and he felt great.

" let's go then" he said as they started walking the rest on the way to the great hall.

In that moment he wasn't Harry Potter the boy who lived. No. Instead he was Harry Potter a normal teenage boy that didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders and he couldn't be more grateful.

Thank you to everyone who read and gave this story a chance I never though I would even get  over 100 views. Thank you so much.

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