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After my brother's funeral, I felt we had some unfinished business. I was upset with him because I felt he was not being a good brother and he let a nigga fuck over me. I was sorry for not coming to see him and I was sorry for our last conversation when I told him I hope he stayed in prison for beating Kierra like that.

1 year later
Kissing my husband as I slowly grind on him. We was in Puerto Rico on vacation. The kids stay home with his momma for the seven days. We had did everything, and now I was trying to see if he could give me another baby.
Why you so sexy? He cooed as I bounced on him. The last year has been great, we have been to Canada, Hawaii, Miami,Bahamas and now Puerto Rico. He was doing good in the hubby department and you know he is a A1 daddy.

After our sex section we both was out like a light.
7 a.m
Getting up we got ready for our last breakfast on the island. You ready to go back to work? He asked me as we showered. Um yeah I'm thinking about adding a barbershop to the main location, I explained as he rinsed the water off me. You gonna let me and Kev do it? That's a dumb question, I laughed as I got out the shower.
I mean I just got to know, you know Jamie have to agreed and she have been bitter since Fredo left her. I mean she ain't gonna turn down y'all offer.
And I think she's been messing with Karols , I just can't prove it. Umm yeah that's a good match, they always flirted and shit, I wouldn't want any other of your brothers with her but him. (🤦🏾‍♀️) he is the only sane on with a good head , Chase said as we begin to get dress.

After breakfast we made love one more time and now we was millions of feet in the air headed home.

Next day
Walking into the salon , it was packed. Omg I said as I walked through the lobby. Oh my god I'm so happy you are here, you have three appointments that I didn't unbook because I forgot, Jamie said as I looked at her. I wasn't planning on doing hair today, I was suppose to be on vacation until tomorrow I said as she looked so overwhelmed.

Oh okay Jamie, I said as she gave me a sad look.
Setting up my salon, I plugged all my equipment up.
Going to the lobby I called back two of my appointments. My assistant name was Brittany and she was so good. I was paying for her to go to beauty school, she was actually Chase niece to and Jamie sister. But they ain't get alone. She felt Jamie thought she was better and Jamie felt she was a child that her daddy had when he cheated on her momma but Jamie was 27 and Brit was 20, she was James last child before he went to prison.

Britt wash her and do a deep conditioning then put her under the dryer. I'll do this braid down but you have to do the one in the lobby after you place her under the dryer. Okay auntie she cooed as I kissed her cheeks. She was my baby and I was fucked up about her and Chase was to. When she moved down here he brought her a car and we helped her pay her rent. She had a son name Ja'kia he was the same age as Honesty and so bad like Chase Jr.

3 hours later
We had two down and one to go. You want to take a break? Or you want to finish the sew in? I asked her as she added the hair. She was good I was just showing her how to cut and style now. I was paying her half of the style plus the 12 a hour so you know she was making her paper.

After the last client it was time to clean up. The lobby was still full so I decided to help some of the other girls and do some braid downs . It's two full set and 3 pedicures Jamie said as she did someone lashes. Walking to the nail area they was also pack. Listen if I sent Brit back here to do any nails or toes she is getting the cut, I said because they be trying to bully her and make her work and not get paid and she was good as fuck.
No ,what I'll do it ,I said as they give me a nasty look. A lot of them was finna be jobless after tonight. Telling Brittany to do the braid downs and help Jamie.
I told Jamie it was a meeting tonight and whoever leave before the meeting, ass wasn't allowed to come back here to work.

Doing two full set it was so quite over there. They ain't play with me, but they talked shit behind a bitch back and today was the day , I was finna shut them up.
After everyone was done they sat in the employee lobby looking so shook.

Washing my hands as Chase and Karols walked in. Kissing him, hey Karols can y'all wait in the back??We having a meeting I said as I saw Jamie's eye light up. (Yeah they was fucking)

I'm having a meeting because I feel like it's some unprofessional behavior going on. Hold up Harm 1 south is coming in(our other location) Jamie said. Oh okay I would of went over there in the morning to talk to them, but cool kill two birds with one stone.

As they walked in they greeted us, they had issues to and I was letting some go over there tonight to.

So we are here because we are having issues with both locations. I work in both and I love some of y'all but some of y'all has the baddest attitudes, let's started with South 1.(main location)
The nail department, y'all have something to say about me? I asked looking right in there face. Kim I hear you are gonna to confront me? I asked as she looked like I was crazy. Um no Harmony I didn't say that,she lied. Girl yes you did Nikki another tech said. You said Harmony let Brit do shit and she get paid more because she is family, Nik said as I looked at Kim.

I did say that but everyone feel that way,she said throwing everyone under the bus. Ohhh okay, stand up Brit. What you get paid a hour? I asked her. Um $12 she said looking down. Kim what you get paid? $35 ,Jamie said with a attitude plus whatever she get from her clients plus her tips.... Yall fucking with my sister because she better then most of you bitches and Harmony is teaching her like she taught all y'all dumb ass. If y'all don't like her do not call her to help y'all with none of y'all work ,then try to fuck her when she do all y'all clients and only pay her 10% , that's fuck up Jamie said as I stood next to her.

It's crazy that y'all are picking at someone who help everyone. But it's cool, I have opening for four new nail techs. Kim, Ciara,Sana and Resa y'all are dismissed. I said giving them their last check. I ain't want to hear shit, looking crazy they stood and walked to the door.

Next Jasmine and April y'all are being put on probation for the rudeness Jamie said. She was just giving them the business. I really ain't have to say nothing. This bitch fired 5 stylist from South 1 and 8 from 1 south and 4 nail techs. She was crazy tonight.

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