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2 weeks passed.
It's different bruh, she so quite, she come home from work, cook if momma ain't cook then she bathe the kids and her and be in bed before I get upstairs, I explained to Karols and Kevin.
Karrin was mad at me and he wasn't talking to me at all, we had got into a fist fight and all behind this shit and I knew I was wrong. I told her I'll leave and she told me not to, I brought her a new 📱 and all but she seem so scared of me and very short.

Man just keep doing what you do and be good to her.
Going into her shop, I looked right in her eyes. I had send her roses ,balloons and fruit.
Walking to her I just kissed her lips with out her refusing me. Lifting her up I kissed her deeper. I'm sorry, I love you I said as I kissed her neck. Carrying her to the back I needed her to forgive me and be back normal.

I'm sorry I said as we made out, I haven't had sex with her in days and I needed her.
As I'm undoing her shirt I could see the tears falling from her eyes. Stopping I looked into her eyes. I'm sorry I said , I just don't know why I thought you would do that, you are my everything I said feeling so bad for hurting her.
I'm pregnant Chase, she cried. Looking at her I was so shock. What? Omg yesss baby I cheered, I'm two months so when you jumped on me I was already pregnant. I have a bruise on my rib, I'm so scared to go to the doctor because I been cramping so bad.

I knew the day before your graduation that I was and I wanted to tell you but a lot was going on, she cried. As I felt so sick. I mean I was sick man, what if I hurt my child?
Doctors appointment 2 days later (so worried)
Today was our first doctors appointment and I was so scared for bad news. Listening to my baby heart beats ,I felt so good, seeing this little baby I felt so much better because I knew our child was still alive and in her belly.

Due date 9/28 the doctor said as he looked at her. Umm can I speak to Mrs. Long in privacy? The doctor asked her as he looked at me, I knew it was because of the bruises and I felt so bad😳, um it's okay anything you have to say he can hear it, she said looking at me.

Umm no I am not not by law, I'll just have a DCF worker call you, he said standing to leave . Oh okay she said looking like she wanted to cry, damn I fucked up.

So you finna just leave us? Harmony cried as I packed my clothes. I need to give you a break, you ain't comfortable around me, you seem so scared of me now and you think I don't see that? I hurt you while you are carrying my child, I said as she stood in front me crying.

I am scared of you, you scared the fuck out of me with that hitting shit, but I don't want you to leave me. Let's work it out, let's go see someone, let's pray and get back normal she cried as I looked down at her.

I ain't want to leave my home, but she move totally different then she use to. This girl gave me the pussy everyday , everywhere. She was like glue to me all the time. She was my everything now she is just so cold it's crazy.
Yeah I hit her and it is my fault so I'm trying to make her comfortable again and just leave.
Am I wrong?

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