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"so you guys won't believe what happened this morning" i started talking to elisha and renee as the three of us sat in the lunch room.

i filled them up on the whole grayson situation and how I saw him at the hill this morning. and let's just say, that being surprised was just an understatement to how the girls reacted.

"shut up no way" elisha yelled.

"be quiet oh my gosh".

my next class was maths, and none of my friends were in that class with me. you would think I have many friends knowing that I'm kind of Instagram famous, but I really dont.

i only have a few close friends that i can really trust, and that's elisha, renee and this boy who's name is Andrew bazzi, but we all just call him by his last name.

he has a little thing going on with Renee right now, they aren't really serious but they seem to be dating.

bazzi is incredible at singing as well. it's crazy.

the lunch bell went, signaling that lunch was over and we all started walking off to our classes.

I entered my math class, scanning the room to find an empty seat and to my luck there was one at the back of the class. I like sitting at the back because I guess there isn't much attention directed at you.

I spotted Grayson sitting at the back as well, so I made my way over and sat at the desk right next to him.

"hey" i casually said, expecting him to say 'hi' back seen as we talked quite a bit this morning.

but to my surprise, he didn't. He didn't even lift his head to look at me this time.

what the fuck? why is he like this, just this morning he was fine with me and now he's back to ignoring me again.

"not so chatty now are we, what's up your ass" i snickered. I'm no going to lie, that made me a bit mad. his attitude in general makes me mad sometimes.

I just don't understand why he's like this.
he has more mood swings then a girl on her period, geez.


the rest of class was boring as usual. Grayson didn't say a single word to me and I didn't talk to him either.

There were ten more minutes of class left and I spotted Grayson's phone sitting on his desk. he has put his head down in his arms and his eyes were completely shut from the boredom of this class.

I reached for his phone and grabbed it. It didn't even have a password on so I unlocked it and went into contacts. my fingers tapped the screen lightly as I put in my number.

"what the fuck charly" he snapped, snatching the phone aggressively away from me.

luckily I had already put in my number.

"don't fucking touch my phone again" he yelled, getting more and more aggressive every word he said.

"I was just putting in my number, don't get so mad" I said. I could feel my eyes tearing up, the tears in them stinging a bit.

I cry really easily, I'm just a really emotional person. I think it's the fact that no one has ever yelled at me like that, my parents have never ever yelled at me like that.

I saw him look at my eyes, he definitely noticed the tears.

"just don't, okay. fucking leave me alone" he said shoving his phone in his pocket.

The bell went and he was out the door as fast as you could count up to three.

the way he yelled at me made me feel so sad. he's such a dick. this morning he seemed to be really happy and nice and now he was getting all angry.

i guess I shouldn't have gone in his phone either, it was some what my fault as well.

for the rest of the day, I pushed these thoughts out of my head and went home.


"hey honey, how was school" my mums angelic voice ringed through my ears, instantly making me feel better.

"it was good, mum, I've just met this guy and I think he's new here. But I just don't understand him". I spoke, taking my shoes off and heading to the kitchen where my mum was.

I tell her everything, she's one of my bestfriends. I know most teenagers my age would be really secretive, but I'm not. I like to share my life with her.

"what don't you understand" she said.

"like he's just really secretive and doesn't even talk much. He will be happy one minute and the next he's just really angry" I sigh, plopping down onto one of the kitchen chairs.

"some people are like that, maybe he doesn't feel comfortable opening up to people just yet because he's new" my mother advises.

I take a moment to think about what she has just said. Maybe it is true, maybe he is really quiet because he's nervous to make friends.

I head to my room after I've finished eating my avocado toast and flop onto my bed, letting the sheets consume me.

suddenly, I hear my phone make a *ding* sound. I pick it up and look at the notification.

it's a message from an unknown number. I unlock my phone and check what the message says.

unknown: im sorry for yelling at you, i didn't mean to.

I reply back knowing exactly who this is.

"it's okay" I simply write and save his number under his actual name.

I'm still angry at him though. It'll wear off by tomorrow, after I go for a run.

I wonder if he will be there tomorrow as well, at the hill. I don't know if I want him to be there though. After what happened today, I'm kind of scared.

if he can get so angry over such a small thing, god knows what else he is capable of.

finally, the day comes to an end and the starry night sky takes over. I turn off my bedroom light and wrap up in my warm sheets ready for a brand new and hopefully better day tomorrow.


vote for the next chapter guys!!

thankyou so much for the love and support you continue to show me, I appreciate it a lot 💘

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