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charlys pov

"what's in the book" I asked with curiosity pointing to the black diary placed next to him.

It's like he treasured it so much, he handled it with such care.

"n-nothing" he stuttered.

"show me" I insisted, grabbing the book from his side.

I held it in my lap and opened it. The book held many words. many poems. Heartfelt ones. Ones that came from his soul.

i read the first one out loud.

"she was everything real in a world full of make belief.
strong yet delicate, she was bullet proof.
she was an addicting thief.
stealing my heart and destroying it,
a heart that I thought was shatterproof".

the poem read in beautiful cursive handwriting.

"grayson, thi-this is amazing" i said.

My thoughts trailed off as I read the poem on the next page. it was also about a girl who he was in love with. I couldn't help but wonder if this was about me.

Who knew he was such an amazing writer.

"I came here every morning after you left. i come here to write about..." he paused looking at me, studying my face.

"i come here to write about you" he finished his sentence.

I flipped through the pages, every single word in here was about me.

"these are all.. about me?" I questioned.

"yeah, there's so many books I've filled writing about you" he spoke.

before I knew it, tears were spilling from my eyes again.

he held me tight into his chest and I eventually stopped crying. I had no words. he does love me, it isn't an act.

the stars glowed in the clear night sky. he gently pushed my hair off of my shoulder and started leaving soft and slow kissed down my neck.

this pleasure I haven't felt in three years. This pleasure only he can make me feel.

he softly pushed me on my back and hovered over me, kissing me harder on my neck making sure to leave hickeys.

then he pulled away and looked at me for a short moment. his intimidating stare made my insides jump.

"pretty little thing" he said in his husky voice.

He came back up to my face and kissed me on my lips. A warm tingly sensation filled my entire body. He hit my bottom lip softly with his teeth and soon let it snap back into place.

before I knew it,
I was back doing what fucked me over in the first place.

having sex with Grayson.

it's crazy because people say
"old habits don't die easy"
and it's completely true.

I'm back doing what I did three years ago. Giving in to the boy that destroyed me.

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