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graysons pov

"for real?" I questioned her.

she shook her head, saying yes as tears started spilling from her beautiful eyes again.

im having a child, with this fucking amazing girl.

up until now, I felt like I was no where near ready for commitment, and I couldn't stick to a single girl for long. but now, hearing the fact that I'm having a child has changed that.

i will one hundred percent commit to her, and our baby.

i could never leave her, especially in this state, not that I want to leave her anyways.

"y-you don't have to stay with me because of the baby, you're free to live your life grayson. I don't want to hold you back" she muttered, and I could tell she was afraid.

afraid of me. afraid of my reaction.

i instantly ran up to her and cradled her in my arms. we both fell back onto the bed and i swear I heard a small chuckle leave her mouth.

"i would never leave you, we will do this together, I promise" i whispered into her ear as I stroked her soft blonde hair.

yet again, another promise. my third promise that I've made with her.

the first one was to quit smoking, and I did. i stopped smoking ever since. the second one was to not be temporary in her life, I've kept that promise, and I intent to keep it forever.

and now this, that I'll stay with her throughout this whole pregnancy and after. im going to keep this promise as well.

before I knew it, tears started forming in my eyes. i never cry. not in front of anyone. but right now I'm weak, weak because of her.

"Grayson, are you crying" she softly spoke, stroking my cheek with her tiny hand as she wiped away the tear.

The baby is a part of me. she is a part of me. i could never leave her because then I'd be leaving two people who already mean the world to me.

our child, and charly.

i dont love her, i don't think I do. But she does mean so so much to me.

it's crazy. knowing that I have a baby on the way and I'm only 18. i love the baby already. With all of my heart.

i know that we both will be able to make it, even with a baby. We will be able to support it. i believe in us, together.

a small part of me is so hopeful. this baby could just be the reason to make charly and I stay together.

it could be the reason that ensures we never separate, or it could be the reason she never leaves me. i need her, and the kid.

this baby is the reason that I'd always have a connection with charly, no matter where she was. and that made me beyond happy.

charlys pov

he told me he would never leave me or the baby.

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