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the breeze filled me up inside as i inhaled the fresh air. i was running up the hill once again, taking in every beautiful surrounding around me.

but today it didn't feel the same. there was something in the back of my mind that was bothering me a lot.

more like, someone. and that someone is Grayson.

i don't know why, but I'm just nervous. i have no idea if he will be there and if he is then I'm unsure how to go about it.

this hill was kind of my spot, where I came to clear my mind. but now that Grayson also came here it doesn't feel the same.

he shouldn't even be taking up so much space in my head anyways, I only met him a few days ago. but i just don't know I guess.

as the top of the hill finally came into view, so did somebody else.

like I had expected, Grayson was here. as I got closer and closer to him, I saw foggy smoke come out of his mouth as he exhaled a long breath. then the cigarette in his hand came into view as well.

his legs were dangling off the cliff whilst his left hand was holding up his body. In his right hand was the cigarette.

Seeing him smoking pissed me the fuck off. im someone who is just so against alcohol and drugs that it drives me insane.

i don't even know how long he's been smoking or what else he takes, but right now all I could think of, was what I did next.

"grayson what the fuck!" i yelled running up to him. i smacked the cigarette out of his hand and watched it drop off the cliff and land into the ocean below us.


"dude what the hell?" he yelled back.

"why the fuck did you do that?" He continued.

"because it's ruining you, don't do shit like that. it's fucking stupid" i didn't think twice before saying what I did. i couldn't care less if he was mad.

"why do you even care, you don't know me" he spoke more gently this time.

and his words got me thinking. it's true, I don't know who he really is, but then why do I care so much?

"who said I cared?" I sarcastically said.

but by the expression on his face, I could tell it hurt him.

"sorry" I mumbled, feeling embarrassed of what I had just said.

i sat down next to him, not saying another word. my legs dangling off the edge. this cliff has just become "our" place now. along with sunrises, i guess they are "our" thing now.

after a few silent and awkward moments, he finally broke the silence.

"im sorry for making you cry in class yesterday" his eyes didn't meet mine. his large hands fiddling with each other.

"yeah it was a pretty dick move" i spat honestly.

"i know" he mumbled quietly.

the only sound around us was the rustling of leaves on the trees and the light waves crashing against the bottom of the cliff below us.

"you always make an effort to talk to me, why?" He questioned, this time looking into my eyes. his stare made my heart skip a beat.

and this is when i realized that my feelings for Grayson could possibly be more romantic then I had thought.

"you intrigue me, i just want to get to know you better. kind of seems impossible though since you're so hard to talk to" I replied looking back at him.

he started to lean in, closer to my face. i could feel my cheeks heating up as I realized what he was about to do.

he licked his lips ever so slightly and looked at my own before looking back into my eyes.

i felt his warm lips connect with my own, making a new sensation fill my body. this felt natural. Like it was supposed to happen. it felt right.

he then pulled away slowly, still looking into my eyes making me feel weak in my knees.

i covered my face with both my hands. Trying to hide the red flush on my cheeks. a small chuckle left his mouth at my actions.

"what was that?" I finally said, looking back at him.

"i don't know, it just felt right" he spoke.

"would have felt even better if I was kissing a non smoker though" i spat followed by a chuckle.

"give me one actual good reason as to why I should stop smoking, and I'll do it".

"bullshit, you aren't going to listen to me" I laughed.

"one good reason, i swear on my life I'll stop smoking".

something about him made me want to believe him.

"because it isn't good for you" i said.

"nah, an actual reason of why you want me to stop smoking"

"so I can kiss a non smoker type of Grayson next time" I joked.

"oh, so there will be a next time huh?" he had a vivid smirk plastered on hip plump lips.

"not if you continue to smoke" damn I was good at this. i looked at him with the same smirk on my face, i was loving this. teasing him was so much fun.

"is that your reason, so you can kiss me?" he said.

"all seriousness though Grayson, don't do it. For me?" I pleaded.

"got you, I won't" he smiled.

and that was the first time I ever saw him smile. it was absolutely beautiful.

I don't know if I believe him about how he says he wouldn't smoke, but I wanted to. and I was going to for now at least.

i feel like the only time he ever opens up to me is when we are at this hill. this very spot it the only spot he actually talks to me.

this is the only place we ever share a genuine conversation.

also what the fuck

he kissed me. i literally have no idea why, but I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. because I loved it.

I don't know what that kiss meant to him, but to me it means something. i like him.

I really do.

how did you guys like this one?! I know it took me a few days to write, but I want this book to be quality over quantity. So I put our chapters quite late sometimes but I like them to be at a high standard <3

vote please!! and ps did I tell you that I love you 💗

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