Lance can dance

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(I know, there's a lot of "Lancey can dancey" kind of stuff already, but I want to join in)
3rd person pov
Keith walked out of the training room to the ships kitchen in search of a drink. He had been training for what felt like forever, though at most a few hours. He desperately needed hydration. As the sweaty boy drew closer to the kitchen he began to hear music. Not just any music. Possibly Shakira, or Beyoncé. Maybe trashy early 2000's pop. The same music you could hear pumping too loud in commercials aimed at teenaged girls. Keith groaned. Lance music.

Keith stomped slowly into the kitchen, just to find what he feared he would find. Lance was playing music loudly as he slid around the floor in his socks. He was lip-syncing dramatically along to whatever was playing, eyes closed and everything. He also happened to be right in front of the fridge, which held the wonderfully cold bottled water. Keith rolled his eyes and made his way over to Lance.

"Move." Keith said flatly, standing in front of Lance. The caramel skinned boy cracked open an eye. "How long have you been here?" He questioned, the tips of his oh so ugly non-altean ears going a faint pink. "Long enough to know you have horrible taste in music. Now move, you're blocking the fridge." Keith droned. He was tired, sweaty and thirsty. All he wanted was a water. "NoW mOvE," Lance mimicked, slightly offended by Keith's remark. "and what if I don't want to move?" He asked as he stooped slightly to be at Keith's eye level. Keith glared daggers out of his violet eyes into Lance's sapphire blue ones. "Then I'll make you move." "Ooh, I didn't think mullet would be so commanding.. how cute." Lance smirked as he straightend his back, though his feeling of pride over teasing Keith was short lived as he felt a hand lay on his shoulder and shove him aside.

"Hey! Rude!" The Cuban boy exclaimed as he regained his footing. He narrowed his eyes at Keith, who was now digging through the the fridge. Soon the black haired boy stepped back with a bottle of water in his hand. "I said I'd make you move." He told Lance as he unscrewed the cap. "Still rude.." Lance grumbled. "You made me miss the best part of that song!" Cried the poor blue eyed boy. "What, you mean when it ends? Because that's the best part." Keith smirked before he brought the water to his lips. Lance watched angrily until Keith lowered the bottle and began to screw the cap back on. He turned to Lance, who was still looking angrily at Keith. "What?" The pale boy asked. "It was a good song." Lance huffed. Keith raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh. Sure it was, Lance." He said as he leaned to put his water back in the fridge. "Yeah. It was." Lance spat at Keith, who leaned against the refrigerator.

"Name one good song that you listen to." Keith shot back. "Um," Lance started before going silent for a moment. "Ha! Called it!" Keith began. "This song!" Interrupted Lance. The song playing was "No Place I'd Rather Be" by Clean Bandit (I think..) Keith stopped to listen. "What even is this?" He asked as the sounds as some sort of xylophone and violins filled the air. Lance started to smile evilly. Keith looked at him and his eyes widened in horror.

"Lance, I swear to Iverson's remaining eye, if you start singing.." Keith began, but was cut off by Lance slowly making his way towards the shorter boy. "Lance.." Keith started."Oh, we're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea." Lance cut Keith off. "But as long as you are with me," Lance started to swing his hips slightly, much to Keith's horror. "There's no place I'd rather be." "Lance.. stop.." Keith groaned, even if he did happen to find it pretty.. what was the word.. "funny"? No.. "amusing"? No.. "stupid"? Well, kinda. But not the right word. "I would wait forever," Lance sang, actually pretty well. "Exalted in the scene." Lance reached to grab Keith's wrist and pull him towards the center of the kitchen. Keith was mortified. "Oh nononono. I am not dancing with you. You can't even dance to this kind of music!" He protested. Lance smiled devilishly and raised an eyebrow.

"As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat!" Lance sang even louder, now also moving more, trying to get Keith to as well. "Laaaaance. Nooo." Keith moaned as the taller boy grabbed his hands, and moved them along with his. "His hands are soft.. really really soft." Keith marveled. Of course he didn't tell Lance. No way. Keith snapped back to reality. He was dancing, no being dragged about the kitchen by Lance, listening to some random song and Lance was singing along. "His singing is actually pretty nice.." Keith's mind drifted again.

"But as long as I am with you, there is no place I'd rather be!" A large smile took place of the mischievous smirk on Lance's face as he lead the raven haired boy around the room. He wasn't really dancing, just moving mostly his hips to the beat, but it was fun. It wasn't often you get to semi-dance with a cute boy. "Wait a tick! Cute? Had he really just imagined Keith was cute? He certainly was very pretty, with his big dark eyes and his floofy hair and rare smile.. well quiznak.."

Keith was looking at the floor. He heard the music. Lance was practically screaming it in his ear. He decided. He lifted his foot, trying to match it with Lance's steps, who was easily moving with the beat. Keith felt like he was just starting to the hang of it when he felt Lance drop one of his hands. He looked up in confusion as Lance raised the hand he still held and loosend his grip to twirl Keith around. Keith let himself be spun before he felt Lance's hand on his waist to stop him. He pulled Keith closer, still singing, but now with his cheeks dusted in pink. Keith, now with one hand free, awkwardly rested it on Lance's shoulder. Keith felt himself blush and look down.

"When I am with you, there is no place I'd rather be." Lance finished. The song faded out. The two boys awkwardly stepped apart. "That was fun." Lance was the first to say. Keith didn't answer normally by saying "yeah!" Or "yeah right". Instead he blurted "You dance really good!" A little louder than expected. Lance was a little shocked at first but recovered quickly. "We'll have to do it again sometime." He purred. Keith's face almost matched his jacket. They stood together for a few moments in an awkward silence. "YUP I'D LIKE THAT, THANK YOU FOR SUGGESTING IT OH NO I GOTTA GO LOVE YA BYE." Keith blurted again. He turned on his heel and walked out with his face burning. "Wait! Did he really just say that?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Keith mentally scolde himself. "LOVE YOU TOO, KEITH!" Lance yells from the kitchen.

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