little post season 8 story

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(So obviously.. a little season 8 spoiler alert. This is going to be pretty short but I liked the idea.)

The two stood in silence before the beautiful statue of memorial.

Lance was the first to speak.

"I really loved her."

Keith responded quietly, but tenderly.

"I know. I bet she loved- loves you too."

"I know. I hope she's happy. Maybe, somehow she ended up in some amazing reality without.. war. She deserves it."

"Yeah. She really does."

A silence fell over the boys.

Lance sighed, not out of tiredness, no, more of acceptance.

"You know, when-when Allura and I were, together, everything felt perfect. But.. deep down I think we both knew- deep down we knew it was too perfect to last. It seemed like we fit together, like pieces of a puzzle. But looking back, yeah, maybe it looked like it, but the pieces were forced together. It-" he looked towards the face of the statue, all the features a perfect replica of her.

"It wasn't meant to be. If the universe had made it meant to be, there would have been another way. But you can't force something like that."

Tears that had building up in both the blue and violet sets of eyes spilled over blue altean marks and a scar running down a cheek.

"Yeah, you can't.. but you deserve to be happy, Lance. You and her both. She wants you to be happy." For once, Keith made no effort to stop the affection and the pain of unrequited feelings seep into his voice. But he wasn't going to stop trying to make Lance happy, even if it meant letting someone else do it.

"So don't let this stop you. Allura wants you to feel loved, to be loved. So even if it wasn't meant to be her, that means there's someone meant to love you out there." Keith continued.

Silence filled the gaps and clogged the air with how thick it was.

"You're right, Keith. Which is why," Lance drew in a breath "I wanted you to come see the statue with me. I loved and still love her. For obvious reasons, she was smart and brave and gorgeous. But I think the real reason was, well, she reminded me of you."

He turned to face Keith, gently taking the other's hands in his own.

"She had a stubborn streak and half alien heritage, and beautiful long hair," he paused, moving one hand up to tangle in the black locks "she was loyal, and wanted nothing more than the best for everyone in the universe. Especially for her family. She wanted to help anyone she could, even if it meant hurting herself. She was fierce and fiery, and wanted to do everything she could to be the best version of whatever the universe needed. And I loved that about her. But I realized, that if even if I did love her, she's," he glances back at the statue "not who I'm meant to love. And then it clicked. The feelings I held were real, just, not for the right person, no matter how right it seemed. And I now realize, I still have the feelings, the real ones. And hopefully they're for the right person this time. They were just always supposed to be for you."

Keith stood in shock, mouth slightly agape. He tried to process everything at once. Had Lance loved Allura? Yes. Did Lance just confess that he loved Keith? Yes. Was Keith, after all these years of war and repressing every moment of longing for the sake of being a good leader, even capable of feeling love? Especially for Lance, his long time holder of affections?


"So.." Keith began quietly "do you really think you're meant to love me? The universe thinks I deserve your love even after everything I've done?"

"Oh, Keith. You deserve every ounce of love I can give. If you'll accept it. You've done nothing but try to get everyone to love each other. Just, please, let me l love you. But.. if if the universe isn't coming through on your side of this.. I understand."

"No, you don't understand." Keith's hands trembled slightly in Lance's.

"Do you really want to love me? When there's everyone else who wants you to love them? I don't want you to waste your time on someone like me."

"Keith, please, just answer this question. Do you love me, at least for now?"

"Yes, I love you, moron! I loved you when we were like, 18! Before, in the Garrison! But you always wanted to love someone else, so... I wanted you to be happy."

"Oh, please dont cry.." Lance gently swiped tears away with his thumb.

"You're crying too, dumbass."

"Nevermind crying. Do you really want me to be happy?"

Keith nodded.

"Then, would you like to come to dinner with my family sometime? Hopefully the universe says yes to that. So, universe, what do you say?"

Neither of them spoke.

"Keith. You're supposed to answer."

"But the universe..?"

"Yes or no?"


Lance smiled, leaning their foreheads together.

"My universe says yes."


(So how was that? Cringey? Yeah. But oh well. One more thing. Am I upset about alluras death and allurance? I cant say no. Am I sad about klance not being canonically endgame? Yeah, absolutely. But that gives no right to hate on people. Just a psa)

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