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(this idea isn't like even half baked, my dudes, like I don't think I even put in the oven but it's finally here for whatever poor souls are kind enough to read my trash. This is a highschool/foster au. Disclaimer:mild language. Also like I'm thirsty for a lil bit of shy  don't worry tho, it's only for a little bit before he actually is more in character and theres like one bit where its a lil bit emotional I guess. All bolded things in parentheses are A/N's btw)

3rd person pov
Keith stepped out of his social worker's car, on to his new driveway. Well, his driveway, but his new foster family's driveway. The house in front of him was a beige-y grey colour with a concrete porch and hanging flower pots. It was a typical suburban house in a typical suburban neighborhood. The house itself was one of the last ones on the block before a small open field, which eventually turned into forest.

Keith didn't have a problem with this house, this neighborhood or probably whoever he was staying with. It's just he never found a reason to stay. So he would act out, fail classes at his schools or be a general nuisance just to move again and start all over. He didn't make friends easily, so he didn't need to stay for non-existent relationships. Sometimes the families were okay. Sometimes the families weren't. It didn't matter, he would leave anyway.

"Hey Chief, you ready?" His social worker asked. Keith hated being called "Chief". It was just a reminder that he was just another kid in the hundreds that his worker would be assigned, and didn't bother to remember the name of.

Keith kept his eyes down and nodded, just as a woman stepped out the front door of the house. Keith didn't bother to look up as he trudged up the driveway and the steps until he was a few feet away from her.

When the raven haired boy finally did look up, he saw she had tan skin that kind of reminded him of peanut butter, with greenish eyes. She looked to be maybe.. 27? Her wavy hair that was the colour of cinnamon was pulled back into a loose bun. She was wearing a dark blue shirt that had red stripes going across it, along with some worn jeans. Dark grey converse were on her feet.

She smiled brightly as she introduced herself. "Hi, my name's Ambry Glaish." She stuck out her hand to the man beside Keith. "Ah, yes, I recall." The taller male shook her hand before the two began to discuss the topics of financial stability, the living area being suitable to house a minor, etc, etc. Everything that Keith had already heard fifty times before.

"..And as the agency has already inspected the house, as well as done the background check, I'd say we're done here!" The worker finished, before turning to Keith. "Alright, Chief, this is it. You know the emergency number. Ambry is a real nice lady. Be good, kid." "Yeah, 'kay." The short boy mumbled. "Yep, being good is gonna fix my dead dad and abandoning mom. It's gonna fix my social issues and get me friends. It's gonna make everyone be okay with my gay-ness." He thought. "Alright then. It's goodbye, kid." The man clapped Keith's shoulder before turning to go down the steps, and back to his car.

Keith watched as he drove away.

The shorter boy turned to the woman he was now alone with.

"Would you like to come inside?" She questioned. Keith looked down again, before grumbling out another "'Kay." They stepped into the house, which lead into a nice sized living room which was tastefully decorated. They slipped off their shoes as Keith awkwardly held his small suitcase.

The woman turned to him again. "Did you eat already?" Keith nodded. His worker had allowed them to stop at a random fast food joint. Ambry nodded slightly while giving a small but kind smile. "Alright, I just wanted to make sure, seeing as it's a little later than a typical time for dinner. But if you're hungry, just let me know." She was right. It was almost 9:00 pm, which wasn't very late, especially in the summer but you wouldn't usually eat then.

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