youtuber au pt 2 (bf tag)

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Lmao as yall requested


"Hey, it's ya boi, SharkKid. Or Lance. And Keith!" The hair on the top of Lance's head fluttered as he bounced in place on the couch.


He rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny the smile on his lips. "Energetic as always."

Keith just shrugged.

"Anyway," Lance's attention turned back to the camera in front of them. "As you probably read the title, we're doing the boyfriend tag! Because we're boyfriends. And that's what boyfriends do."

Keith muttered something under his breath, too softly for the mic, or even Lance to hear.

"What was that, babe?" He asked sweetly.

"Nothing." Keith wove his hands together in front of his body.

"No, tell me! Please?" Lance's eyelashes batted and fluttered as he squished his cheek onto his boyfriend's shoulder.

Keith sighed, accepting defeat. "..Blond boys doin' what blond boys do.."

A noise similar to a duck on helium made its way put of Lance's throat before he could stop it.

"Don't laugh, asshole!" Rosy pink covered the apples of Keith's cheeks as he struggled to bite back a smile himself.

Lance inhaled, gulping in a lung full of air. "Whoo, okay, it's okay. I'm okay now."

Keith rolled his eyes. "You're still an ass."

"That's Fine Piece of Ass to you, sir!"

"Lance, you don't even have any ass. You said 'Lmao' one too many times and this is the price you pay."

"Uh! Rude!"

"You're made of sticks. Stick man."

"I refuse! I am no stick man. I am ONE FINE PIECE OF ASS!"

"Watch out stick man. I'm dancing on your bridge, stick man."

Lance sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair and looking into the camera. "This is what I put up with."

"My ass," Keith interjected. "On the other hand, is the finest piece of ass in all the land."

Lance opened his mouth only to be shushed.

"And you can't even argue, Lance, you think you're slick but I know you stare at my ass 24/7."

A bright red burned Lance's ears. "Alright, let's read some of the questions!!"

Keith's laughter rang clear and free as his boyfriend hastily scrolled through his phone.

"Oh! Here's a good one!" Lance piper up, eyes skimming the screen. "What's your favorite thing about each other?" He read aloud.

Lance's gaze turned expectant, zeroing in on his boyfriend. "Well, Keith?"

Keith glanced away, eyes flitting to anywhere that wasn't Lance. "Umm. I like it when you get really excited about things, because you smile a lot and you always sound really happy and you laugh and stuff. And your eyes light up and your hands move a lot and it just makes me happy. And.. yeah."

The biggest, dorkiest, most lopsidedly beautiful smile split across Lance's face. "Oh my god, baaaabbbeee!!" He squealed, throwing his arms around his boy, pulling him close.

"Ahhh.." Keith weakly groaned into Lance's neck. When he managed to lean away, he was pulled right back in with a firm kiss on the mouth. "Lance!" He squawked. "Not in front of the camera!"

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