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Note that this was written in like two seconds please excuse the many errors

3rd person pov
"Happy birthday!" The team shouted. Lance had just walked into the dining area from his room. The Cuban boy jumped mid-yawn at the surprise. Lance's eyes widened as a smile spread across his face. "Oh my god! You guys!" He hurriedly made his way over to the table, which was piled with food and a few boxes, which he hoped we're gifts.

"Happy birthday, buddy!" Hunk enveloped Lance in a squashy hug. "My baby is growing up!" Pidge joined the embrace, fake sobbing. "Hey! I'm even older than you now!" Lance laughed. The three finally broke apart when Shiro made his way over. "Happy birthday, Lance." He smiled, parting the blue paladin's shoulder. "Lance, my boy! Happy yearly anniversary of birth!" Coran twirled his mustache proudly. "Ooh, Lance! I wish you a happy day of birth! I am so glad to participate in today's traditional Earth culture of 'birthdays'!" Princess Allura told him.

Lance laughed. "Thank you, Princess. Thank all of you!" This was the happiest he'd felt in a while. The blue paladin had spent the previous months mourning all he was missing from his family, and that he wouldn't get to spend his own birthday with them. Nevertheless, the team had pulled through to truly make Lance feel special. Then he realized.

Lance's pov
"What, no 'Happy birthday' from you, Mullet?" I smirked. Across the table, almost invisible from behind the mountains of food and possible gifts, Keith huffed. "Happy birthday, Lance." I swooned, covering my heart with my hands. "Oh, thank you, my dear Keith! All I wanted was the attention of my truly beloved!" I sing-songed. It really was a great present to watch the red paladin flush to the colour of his lion.

I took my seat next to him, snickering at how red he was. He glared at me. "Shiro! Keith's looking at me weird! Make him stop!" At this, Keith's mouth drops open a little, as his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Keith, no dirty looking at Lance on his birthday." Shiro sighed. The mulleted boy was now sputtering indignantly. "Uh! Did- I wasn't doing anything! Dad, that's not fair!" Keith whined.

If I was eating anything yet, I would have spit it out in pure hysteria. "Oh my god! DAD?!" I howled. The black paladin's face was slightly slack as he stared at Keith. "Well, Shiro does seem to give off a fatherly presence, making him seem like a 'dad' to you paladins!" Coran quiped cheerfully. Keith had covered his mouth in shock as well. Pidge and Hunk were losing their shit at the end of the table.

Breakfast was a cheerful affair, with Hunk's delicious food and playful banter. "So, Dad, when can I open my presents?" I leaned on the table. I watched as Shiro mentally went over the choices that had gotten him to this point. "Because you said that, not until after cake, which will be served at dinner." He replied coolly. "What!" I stood up, knocking my chair back. Keith looked up at me, still chewing a mouthful of space bacon. "This is an outrage! This is tyranny!" I quickly count the boxes. "By the looks of it, even Keith got me a present!"

Keith swallows his space bacon. "Why wouldn't I get you a present? It's your birthday?" He asks, confused. "Because you're Keith." Is all I say. "Nope. Not until after cake." Shiro shakes his head. "No fair." I grumble, sitting down again.

*Time skip brought to you by Lancey Lance growing up to be the best boi™ there ever was*

"Keeeeiith!" I whine. "What." Keith's mulleted head pokes into my room, where Pidge, Hunk and I are all sitting in a circle. "Come do facemasks with us!" The pale boy's face scrunches up. "Why? I've seen you with one on, and it looked like you had troll snot on your face."

Pidge snickers behind her hand.

"It's not about what you look like with it on, it's about what you look like after." Keith still doesn't look convinced. "Pweaase, Keef? Fow my birfday?" I bat my eyelashes at him. "Fine." He says defeatedly, trudging into my room. "Ooh, goody!" I clap my hands and Scrabble to get my basket of skin care products. I return with two woven containers, one large one full of lotions, exfoliaters, scrubs and masks. The other, much smaller, holds hair clips, hair ties, headbands and bobby pins. I set them both in the middle of all of us.

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