Love Like You

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(song: Love like you by Rebecca Sugar)

If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love.

Keith watched, helpless, as Lance flirted shamelessly with any girl they met. How could he do that? Just put himself out there, offer his affections to almost anyone, anyone who'd be willing to take it. "I'll take it. Give me your love. Let me give you some back. Just let me learn how." He'd think, as whoever was being pursued by the blue paladin rejected his advances.

Lance looked on at Keith, who was training with a bot. The red paladin didn't notice Lance standing in the door. He regretted mentioning the stupid one-sided rivalry at all before. He hated that he felt that Keith probably thought of him as some whiny, self absorbed baby. Although, if Keith even though of him at all, it would send a shiver down Lance's spine. "If I could even be just half, only half, of whatever you think of me.. I could probably end this whole stupid war right now, with one hand tied behind my back." Lance fantasized, leaning his head on the doorframe.

When I see the way you act, wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love like you. (Like you. Love like you.)

Keith never forgot the look on Lance's face whenever he would call from the blades, or make a rare trip back to the castle. And when he came back, and Lance was the first one to react, to show he acknowledged Keith, that he even in the slightest, cared about Keith, it made his heart beat in his throat. He would always regret just brushing him off, saying he didn't have time. Didn't have time. As if he didn't have time to greet his former teammate, still current holder of Keith's unknown romantic feelings. The current holder of romantic feelings that had held his arms out for a hug. The red paladin would always remember shooting Lance a look, a look that read "Please, just give me time. Let me learn how to love."

Although it was long ago, Lance could clearly recall stumbling out of the cryo-pod. He rembered opening his eyes a split second before it released him. He saw violet eyes, filled with worry, gazing through the glass from a distance away. He had always thought about that moment, that tiny fraction of time, where he saw the stone cold, emotionless Keith, worrying about him. Or at least he hoped. Lance knew whenever Keith got stuck in a pod, he flitted around nervously, wondering when he'd come out. Lance always hoped Keith felt like that whenever something happened to Lance. He always wished he could tell him. "I'll wait for you to come back. Every time. As long as you wait for me."

I always thought I might be bad, now I'm sure that it's true. 'Cause I think you're so good, around I'm nothing like you, look at you go, I just adore you, I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special.

That's exactly what Keith thought the first time Lance kissed him. It was right after the big battle of Voltron and the ATLAS with Sendak's ro-beast. Well not right after, but after they had woken up. All with injuries and scars to add to the collections. Krolia and Kolvian had left Keith to rest, when a soft knock had come from the other side of the door. Keith had managed to tell them to come in, not expecting to see Lance. Who still looked amazing in orange sweatpants and a matching shirt and multiple bandages. They had talked, softly remembering the grim details and terrifying seconds in battle. At one particular moment, Lance mentioned doing something he always thought he could regret. But would regret more if he didn't do it. Keith, confused, asked what it was. He watched Lance steel himself before leaning over the hospital bed, carefully cradling Keith's face with his hands, and gingerly pressing his lips to Keith's.

In all of Lance's years of life, he never thought he'd be kissing Keith Kogane. And that he would kiss back. Callus tipped fingers timidly rested on the back of his neck, curling with the short brown hair. Ivory eyelids edged with graceful black lashes drooped close, hooding the amethyst irises. A faint blush blossomed underneath pale skin. And just the tiny press back against Lance's own lips left him pondering "Why would he choose me? Keith is.. Keith. Amazing. Strong. A leader. And me? I'm just. Lance."

If I could begin to do something that does right by you, I would do about anything, I would even learn how to love.

Keith stopped at the sound of voices. Coming from Allura's room. Lance and Allura's voice. Keith didn't want to eavesdrop, he really didn't. But he did.

"I'm sorry, Allura, I just don't feel that way about you anymore. I realized you were.. out of reach.. and I liked- well, like someone else. I hope you understand."

A pause.

"I-I.. I'm sorry too, Lance. I understand completely. I didn't handle your advances well and it was wrong of me to turn my feelings completely and just.. 'accept' them, if you will, just, out of the blue like that. I sincerely hope whoever has won your affections appreciates them well."

Keith felt a warm and pleasant feeling bubble from his stomach to his throat. Lance had just given up his three? Four year crush on Allura for him? Keith knew he was learning more and more about how to love, everything second.

Lance felt his heart swell and a giddy smile stretch across his face. He was watching Keith, his Keith, talk animatedly with Lance's niece and nephew. He took in the smiles on their faces and the rosy glow of their cheeks as Keith introduced Kosmo, who let the children coo at him and run their hands across his back. Lance felt about ready to faint when he passed a room that had his niece and nephew, and of course, Keith in it. They were sitting at a kiddie sized table, Keith with his knees all bent up, colouring pictures. The kids would gawk in amazement at the detailed drawing on Keith's page. "Is that Tío Lance?" One of them would ask. Keith would nod and smile, and then again when they would bounce excitedly and ask if Keith could draw them too. Lance knew he'd picked the right one.

When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love, like you. (Love like you. Love me like you.)

Keith would never forget the slightly stunned look on Lance's face when Keith had come out to the team officially. Shiro had already known. The rest had suspected. All were completely fine with it.

Lance had always thought Keith was out to everyone, even before Voltron. He had apparently thought wrong. Which is why after he asked Keith if they could announce their relationship publicly, he laughed quietly to himself. He had taken a wild chance when he'd kissed Keith, he could have kissed someone who didn't like guys, or experience any attraction to anyone. He was just glad it worked out. His mood elevated more at the shocked, then happy, then exasperated looks on everyone's face. "Finally!" One of them (Pidge) had exclaimed. "Jesus, it took you long enough."

Which was why, in this moment, strolling down the Garrison corridors, hand in hand, neither of them could be happier with the other, as well as themselves.

(Blllaaahh that was really bad. But I really love Rebecca Sugar's songs and work so I decided to do it anyway. I was going to write a back to school/new kid thing,,, but obviously,, I didn't. I might still do that later though)

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