idk they just wildin ig

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idk where im goin with this also for the sake of this Lance is the blue Paladin and Keith is red


For a planet with the absolute most boring diplomatic meetings, they knew how to throw a mean celebration ball. Or at least Lance hoped. If he had to sit through hours of endless droning, there had better be some sort of swanky-ass ball that he could get his groove on afterwards. Please, he was silently begging the gods.

He glanced across the table at Keith, who usually was, nicely put, passionate to say the least when it came to war discussions. But this time, even Keith looked like he'd rather have his brains turned to food goo instead of sitting in this meeting any longer.

A noise eerily similar to that of a cicada caused everyone in the room to jolt in their seats.

"The diplomatic discussion of the Voltron alliance has been concluded." A short, insect-like alien read off a screen. "Our leader would also like to cordially request that the Paladins of Voltron attend a celebration to honour this new era in our planet's history."

A celebration? Sweet! Looks like not paying attention in a meeting that could ultimately help them save the universe against a murderous tyrant and hoping to party finally paid off! Please, please let it be a fun celebration, not the stuffy, formal kind.

The Blue Paladin strained to listen as Allura and Shiro talked to the giant bug/alien. Finally, the princess turned to address them.

"Paladins. Because of the access to resources and the abundance of information that the council of Theryxan has offered and their gracious offer to host us on their planet, we will be staying for a few rotations of their sun."

They would be staying to (hopefully) party for multiple days? Well it seemed being a part of Voltron finally has some more perks!

Despite his legs going stiff and numb hours ago, Lance jumped out of his seat like a man on fire. Pidge and Hunk were already enthusiastically engaged in a conversation about something by the time he made his way over.

"Oh man," Lance groaned, throwing an arm over Hunk's shoulder. "I can't believe we're finally getting a party! And Allura's actually letting us go to it- to have fun!" He practically danced in place, this had to be up there on the "best days ever list", right up next to the time he aced his simulator test and when his uncle let him have three bowls of ice cream when he was seven.

The lenses of Pidge's glasses flashed in the light when she pushed them to rest higher on her nose. "It's not the party I'm excited about, did you see the machinery outside? The hover vehicles? This place is like a goldmine for.. everything!"

"Do you think they'd let us take a look at some of their work? Or maybe show us some of the engineering? Or- oh mY GOD, THERE'S GOING TO BE FOOD AT THE CELEBRATION! Not goo!" Hunk cried.

The prospect of ingesting something that wasn't food goo was enough to make Lance's mouth water, as if he wasn't excited enough already.

Around them, other aliens had gotten up as well, some even making their way out of the Very Official War Discussions Room tm. Soon, it was just the Paladins and a few stragglers. The princess and Shiro were still talking to one alien or another, but.. that wasn't everyone, was it? He was standing with Pidge and Hunk, Shiro and the princess we over there, Coran.. Coran could handle himself. After a few passes over the room, his gaze settled on that familiar mullet.

Keith looked, for lack of a better word, like absolute shit. His face still retained its permanently annoyed scowl, and his eyes that seemed to glare at nothing in particular were lined heavily with dark circles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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