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          (Before S7, they're still in space)

"Lance McClain, how dare you suggest I wouldn't say that I love you every day of my life!" Keith half giggled, half shouted at his boyfriend. "I can and will say it to you every day for forever, even if it's with my very last breath!" At this, Lance smiled and tightened his grip around the shorter boy's waist, nuzzling his head into Keith's neck. "I love you too." He murmured.

The Red Paladin sighed happily and rested his cheek on Lance's chocolate curls. (Lance has curly hair, fItE mE) "I love you. I love you so much and I don't want you to ever forget it. I love you more than the moon and stars. More than knives. More than anything I've ever loved before. I love you more with every passing second. I love you with every cell in my body. I love you so much, Lance." The words of affection dripped from Keith's lips like honey. The Blue Paladin squeaked and his his face deeper in the crook of Keith's neck. His boyfriend didn't usually say much, and such cheesy, sappy, amazing things that made Lance's heart flutter were even less common.

"Paladins! Get to your lions! There is an incoming Galra ship!" Allura's voice boomed through the castle's comms. The two quickly and disappointingly untangled themselves and shot to their hangars. Soon enough all of the lions were out and approaching the ship. The ship was fairly large, and looked somewhat different from ones they'd seen before. The were plotting how to takes it down, when a bright beam of light shot at the cluster of robot lions. "Woah! What was that?" Pidge yelled through her helmet's comm. "I don't know, but it seems like the Galra have been upgrading their lasers." Shiro responded. "I don't think I've seen any laser like that." "Then we need to figure out how to disable it!" Keith shouted, narrowly avoiding another blast of light.

"I don't think we can do it from the outside! I can't get a clear scan of the ship and I can't see when it's blasting from!" Hunk said. "I'm going in!" The Red (yes, I'm always going to pretend they are still in the original lions, get used to it) lion swooped down towards the ship. "Keith, no!" Lance screamed. "You can't just go in by yourself when we don't even know who's in there or how the ship works!" The Red Lion continued toward the ship. "Well, unless we find a plan within the next six seconds, that's exactly what I'm going to do!" Keith retorted.

The Blue lion flew around nervously as Lance yelled at Keith through the comms. He yelled louder when he saw a tiny red and white speck leave the Red Lion and make it's way closer to the Galra ship. The little speck soon disappeared through a found entrance and the Red Lion flew back towards the rest of Voltron. The Blue, Black, Green and Yellow paladins flew about, taking jabs at the shop when they could. A static filled voice crackled through the comms. "I've gotten to the control room." A breath of relief heaved out of Lance's lungs. Soon enough, the lasers stopped, or at least slowed down. More crackling. A yell. Heavy breaths. More yelling.

"Laser dis-disabled. Requesting backup." Keith's voice rang weakly in Lance's ears. The Blue Paladin immediately assumed the worst. "No. No, no, no. Keith, hold on!" Lance pushed his controls to the max, speeding towards the ship. He nearly burst through the wall trying to get in. He ran through the halls, trying to find his boyfriend. Eventually, Lance came across the control room.

Limp bodies of druids were scattered about, the Red Paladin in the middle of them, laying on his back. One of his arms was bent at an odd and unnatural angle.


The Blue Paladin surged to the battered boy. "Keith, oh Keith, Keith. Come on!" He knelt beside him, gently tugging Keith's upper body into his lap. "Keith, we'll get you out, we'll get you in a pod, alright? You'll get better and everything will be okay. Everything will be okay, love." Lance removed Keith's helmet to assess any head trauma. A bit of blood oozed from some wounds and scratches. More stained the corners of his mouth, and ran down his chin. "Lance.." the Red Paladin weakly raised his good arm to gently caress his fingers against Lance's cheek. "Yeah, I'm here. Just hold on, we'll get you out of here." Tears started prickling the corners of Lance's eyes.

"You know I love you more than anything, right?" Keith rasped. Lance nodded, the tears now trickling down his face. "Yeah. And I love you more." He chuckled dryly. "Just hold on, Keith." The boy in Lance's arms let a small smile grace his features. "I love you, I love you so much, Lance McClain." Keith inhaled a ragged breath. "I love you so, so much." His eyelids began to droop. "And don't you forget it." The indigo orbs that once held more stars than the galaxy were now covered by soft eyelids that Lance had loved to kiss softly and make Keith giggle. Keith's chest rose once more and and before it fell, "Don't you forget it."

And it didn't rise again.

Keith had promised his very last breath.

Well I just made myself cry I'm sorry this is bad I can't write angsty to save my life ;-; ...

*Runs away*

ha ha I'm sorry if I made you feel horrible

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