No Barbecue Banana Chips

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(lol a continuation of the one right before this one I'll change the title of the previous one soon )


Oh god. He hugged Lance tighter still as everything else seemed to stop. He was in LA, not just for his mother's birthday, but he was here for Lance. His Lance.

The hug seemed to go on forever, and when they finally broke apart, they were instantly linked again, after their hands bumped when they both shyly tried to offer it to the other.


Lance's face, still a little red, maybe from crying, possibly from the ever so slightly asphyxiating hug, but you know, he felt good. Really, really good. He if possible, smiled even more when he saw Pidge's chin bob up and down a little with tears threatening to flood down her cheeks. Hunk was full on silent wailing, he was crying rivers and his face was all scrunched up and his nose was running. He also happened to film the whole thing.

"Hey. Do you need to get your luggage?"

Keith thought for a second.

Lance decided he loved Keith's thinking face.

"You know, luggage might be a good idea."

Hand in hand, they scoured the airport for the luggage thingie. There was probably a name for it, but no one could be bothered with trying to remember it. (Neither could I)

Finally, with luggage in tow, all four stepped out of the airport.

"You know, I should probably introduce you guys so it doesn't seem like there's just some random people following us. Hunk. This is Keith. Keith, this is Hunk. Pidge, Keith. Keith, Pidge."

Hunk (still sniffling) gladly shook Keith's hand. Pidge waved and said hi.

Keith's voice cracked as he told them that Lance talked about them all the time.

Pidge just rolled her eyes as she went on about how Lance never shut up about "Misty purple eyes" and "Hair that looks like a raven's wings" and just Keith in general.


He tugged at the collar of his shirt, trying to release some of the heat. "Jesus, are you sure this is a car and not a microwave?" He asked.

Lance laughed, a beautiful twinkly sound that he hadn't heard unless it was through the speaker of his phone.

"You know, some days I'm not too sure. But if it is a microwave, it's pretty rad."

The two had just finished loading Keith's luggage into the trunk of the blue Nissan. The engine rumbled as it Lance turned the key.

"Once we get moving, we can roll down the windows and it'll be better."

"I figured."

The two (Hunk and Pidge had left earlier, going to some tech convention or something.) Found their way out of the parking area and were now on their way to let Lance drag his boyfriend around, showing him his favorite ice cream shops and where all the cute dogs would be in the parks. Neither of them could be happier.

"Yeah, so this one time there was this dog and it was so fluffy and big, and it was like, bright white and it was so cute, it like smiled when you pet it and it's name was Coco and-"

"Can I hold your hand?" Keith interrupted.

Lance didn't even blink as he slid one hand off the steering wheel and held it out for Keith to take. The tan hand squeezed the pale one gently, before Lance's ever-present jabber continued.

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