Soulmate au

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Cos I'm original as f u c c
Au where you can't see/hear your soulmate until you touch them. Now don't go "but leggywhale, wtf how does that even work shouldnt you need to be able to at least see them to be able to touch them uhuhu" let me live my life in it's overly complicated glory.

3rd person pov
Keith waited for the elevator to get to the fourth floor. He had just gotten hired to work for a graphic design company, Altea Design. It would be his first day here. His new boss, Allura Altea, had told him to dress casually, as the rest of the employees on his floor did so as well. Adjusting the small cardboard box that held a few of his possessions for his workspace, he tugged nervously at the collar of his shirt. He was wearing a simple dark grey tee shirt and black jeans. Along with that, he wore a red flannel, which was a bit big and constantly slipping down his shoulders.

The elevator dinged. A tiny screen above the door displayed 3. One more floor. The door opened and Keith expected someone to step into the elevator. There was a tiny rush of air, but no one joined him. "Strange." He thought. The doors closed and the elevator lurched upward. He rode in silence until another ding sounded that they had reached the next floor. The doors slid open and Keith hesitently stepped out. Another tiny rush of air wooshed past him, but he shrugged it off as AC or something.

The black haired male looked side to side, trying to figure out if there was anyone in the lobby with him. Maybe an intern or something. He stood awkwardly until, bless her soul, Allura came walking into view. "Keith! Welcome, welcome!" She greeted him. "Um, thank you, Ms. Altea." She waved her hand about. "Please, call me Allura." She bounced on the balls of her feet, which Keith imagined would be difficult while wearing platform sneakers. Somehow, Allura was able to pull it off. Keith was as gay as a rainbow, but still, Allura was very pretty.

She was platinum blonde, though her hair looked white. She had smooth, dark skin and twinkly blue eyes. She was wearing bright pink lipstick, a pale pink top, and worn denim jeans with little iron on patches on them. It was a very 'cute' look but she still looked as though she could snap your neck and break half the bones in your body without breaking a nail. Which she probably could. "Right then! Follow me and I can show you to your work area and introduce your co-workers." Allura proudly announced.

Keith followed her down a corridor, to a set of double doors at the end of the hall. His boss opened one of them and ushered him inside. She clapped her hands to get the attention of her employees. Of what Keith could see, there were three other people in the little cluster of desks that Allura had led him to. "May I have your attention please!" One guy's head snapped to Allura's voice, readily awaiting for instructions. The other two's attention lingered on whatever they were working on before lazily drifting over to Allura. "Yeees?" One of the them, a male about Keith's height, probably, turned in his chair, brushing his hair out of his face.

"Matt, Pidge, Hunk, Lance. I'd like to introduce to you all your new co-worker, Keith Kogane." Keith gave a small, awkward wave. He silently questioned Allura, as she stated four names, and there were only three people.. maybe one of them was gone today? And it was just reflex to mention them? A larger guy in a yellow shirt and a tan vest stood up and smiled warmly. "Hi, Keith! I'm Hunk!" Keith found himself smiling in return. "Hi Hunk." A short girl who was spinning slowly in her chair. She gave a mock salute. "Pidge. Nice to meet ya."  She looked a lot younger than the others, almost like a kid. The last guy, who resembled Pidge. "Keith. How ya doin'? I'm Matt." Keith nodded in a greeting.

Hunk gestured to an empty desk, next to another empty one. Maybe the Lance guy usually sat there? Keith set his box down. "So, what do you all do?" Keith asked, mentally cringing at his stupid ice breakers that his brother had drilled into his mind in attempts to get Keith some friends. Pidge snorted. "Oh you know, get a job in a graphic design firm to make Krabby Patties. Obviously not graphic design." "Pidge!" Hunk shot her a look of don't be rude, you little gremlin that I cherish my friendship with.

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