pls,, do not kill me,,, (hcs)

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so it's been,, months,,, to tell the truth i took a break from this platform for some time just because even before quarantining and whatnot i was getting a little stressed over stuff and my mental health ☆°•d i p p e d•°☆ a wee bit if i do say so myself, i got some aspect changing news from a friend (nothing bad, dw) and since self isolation and stuff and just missing my friends i just didnt have the energy to work on any of my drafts for this,, but coming back to the 99+ notifs,,,  yall,, you are so so so sweet and kind and ilysm,, truly,, i kind of really fell out of the vld fandom but klance,, i still love so yall ain't seen the last of me

H E A D C A N O N S, B B Y

lance, despite meticulously washing, moisturizing, and manicuring both his face and hands, he hate, hate hates taking care of his feet. so like once a month, he'll go out and get a pedicure and pamper himself. he brings keith along sometimes too. keith never knows what's going on.

• hear me out with this,,, but lance gets taller than keith again,,, let me have this,,, tbh i think it was probably a big insecurity of Lance's, when keith got taller, because her was then buffer and more muscular and cooler etc etc and Lance felt that this thing that he had, that he was always gonna have over keith, was taken away. I'm not saying that it was part of the rivalry or anything but Lance probably felt out of place and like Keith wasn't the same and he was just insecure and stuff,, but as time passed, lance had one last "hurrah!" growth spurt and got like an inch or two back on Keith

• lance is better at mario kart. even tho keith still wins a fair amount, mario kart isnt like a ship or a simulator, and Lance grew up playing it, so he knows all the tricks and short cuts and Keith thinks it's the most beautiful thing ever when Lance is happy after winning

• ik i always make Keith kind of socially awkward and stuff even tho he's a leader and whatnot in the show,, but theres a difference between planning something and discussing it formally with people and just. talking. keith missed out socializing with a lot of his life!! he's probably awkward and confused when people try to talk to him just to talk. This leads him to be the most oblivious person when Lance just started to flirt with him. 

- "So,, after this alliance meeting.. what do you say to maybe, grabbing a drink with me?"

"Lance, there's gonna be water or something at the meeting??" -

• once Keith realizes Lance is flirting with him tho, he gets super flustered, but in like, a Keith way. his eyes widen and he chews on his lip and his face goes red and he turns away and this may sound kind of normal but he looks like this.      ///(   •   ) . (   •   )///

• they're both horrible at properly chewing their food. keith just never really had anyone to tell him to slow down or anything while he was living on his own and just like inhaled his food, and Lance, tho constantly told to chew properly, was always trying to get some more of what he wanted before a sibling took it, or he was always trying to talk around his food. this has resulted in numerous almost choking incidents

• when Keith falls asleep, like really really deep, deep sleep, his breathing slows waaay down. once lance woke up in the middle of the night and almost freaked out because there was a good ten seconds between each of his boyfriend's breaths

• lance uses :) :/ >:( >:) :3 etc etc. this isnt even a hc its canon now

now more of their actual relationship :333

• on earth, lance cooks dinner more while Keith will clean up afterwards more. lance had to intervene once or twice because no, keith, that is laundry detergent

• they both love kissing each other but Lance, always the romantic absolutely lives for both giving and receiving piles upon piles of kisses, anywhere and everywhere bc he just does. sometimes he'll just grab Keith's face and drop little smooches all over his bf, or kiss his hands or shoulders or neck, ears, back, forehead etc. Keith is more than happy to return the favor. also sometimes Keith will tenderly press his lips to the pulse on Lance's inner arms and wrists and Lance is a weak, weak man

• they both love Kosmo, who sleeps in the bed with them, but they like to sleep close to each other,,

"babeyy,,,  i miss you,,"

"lance im in the same bed as you."

"but theres a wolf dog the size of a continent between us,, and long distance relationships are hard,,"

Kosmo always gets the hint. whether or not he chooses to obey it is up to him

• Keith is so so ticklish and Lance uses this to his advantage. they'll be cuddling and suddenly, keith will feel warm hands creeping under his shirt, soothingly rubbing across his skin, it's nice, its relaxing and BAM he's on the floor wheezing because Lance started to tickle him

• they probably have a lot of stuffed animals. they'll go grocery shopping and every now and then theres a little display of stuffed animals. Lance will find one and hold it up and say something like "hehe chunky boy,, he is rotund, absolute unit,, positively round,," or "behold!! the most elegant lady though hast seen!! thine eyes hath been blessed! fair maidens beauty is astounding." and put it down and putter off to wherever else and Keith rolls his eyes and puts it in the cart. on some occasions though, lance will catch his bf eyeing a plush and slip it in the cart behind the lactose free milk 

• Keith watches all of Lance's favorites with him. old cartoons, recent and older movies and shows, youtube videos. Lance listens intently as Keith will tell him about the cryptid he was reading about or the mythology he stumbled upon.

• keith is suuuuuuper mushy-gushy at very random times, but only when it's just them and he never realizes he's doing it. The bfs will be sitting together, doing their own things and Keith will just turn to Lance and be like "lance, you are the light of my life. ive been to thousands of galaxies and theres never been one that has stars brighter than your smile, or supernovas that bring more color and joy into my life than you do. my love for you extends beyond the known universes and expands more rapidly than the space time continuum can weave itself. you are an irreplaceable part of my life and you are the greatest being to ever exist. I am in awe of you every day."  And Lance is like tearing tf up and is like

"Omg keith,, that was beautiful i love y-"


• keith never really expresses his insecurities about himself or his body but Lance knows that it never hurts to be told that you're beautiful, and because keith is, he tells his bf just how handsome and beautiful and grizzled and strong and elegant he is all the time. Keith always hated metaphors and figurative writing and stuff but with the stuff he says to Lance he could write sonnets.

• on their wedding day, lance will tell Keith "that's gay" at least once

• Keith picks up some of Lance's language and Lance thinks it's the best thing ever to hear keith say "what the cheese" or something like "oh my biscuits!!"

Other times keith just says fuck like the rest of us

• once lance is taller than Keith again, he wastes no time making sure he knows it. "I could dunk on you." "Do you need help getting that from the top shelf?"

• we all know that Lance secretly has like really nice broad shoulders, right?? when keith sees his man's shoulder,, good lord, is it hot in here???

That's all,,, ty for being so sweet and hanging on this long,,  I love yall,,, :'))))))

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