im still really bad at titles

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(this has been ping pong-ing around my head for a while it's pretty bad tho I'm warning u idek about a lot of the details and shtoof like I'm pretty sure they're on Earth?? Okay, yes, on Earth, um, like, they're just normal people, not paladins or anything)


The Cuban boy perked up slightly, not only at his name, but the voice of who was saying it. A dip in the soft mattress gave an idea of where his boyfriend was. Lance smiled a bit, just knowing Keith was there.

"Are you excited?" Keith asked.

Lance could imagine him, even if the image was a bit fuzzy. Pale skin, deep violet eyes and dark eyelashes and hair. Pink lips, maybe a little smirk quirked on to them. Keith, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, gazing affectionately at him.

Lance grinned and drummed his fingers excitedly. "Uh, yes! Of course I'm excited, you doof!"

Lance had been born blind. When he imagined Keith, those were merely words that people had used to describe his appearance. Lance didn't know what any of the colours actually looked like, but if they were on Keith, they must be beautiful.

His boyfriend laughed. A breathy sort of loud chuckle that made Lance's ears perk a little at.

"Just making sure."

A smaller, cool but not cold hand slid into one Lance's own, intertwining their fingers. The sightless boy felt a callus below Keith's pinky, and a small hangnail on the pointer finger. Lance gave Keith's hand a small squeeze before holding up his free hand, fingers all spread out.

"Lemme get one last good look at you."

Keith laughed again, and Lance felt the weight on the bed shift, settling closer.

Another cool hand gently took hold of the blind boy's wrist and guided it to a smooth, soft, warm surface. Lance untangled his and Keith's fingers and brought it up to cradle Keith's face. He ran his thumbs gently under the other's eyes, and out a little. He knew these were Keith's cheekbones. He ghosted his fingers down to run over warm lips that felt slight chapped. Over his chin, down his nose, fluttering over his eyelids, brushing against his hairline.

Lance sighed and leaned back into his pillows.

"Alright, I'm good. You still look amazing, babe."

A single finger traced lazy patterns on to Lance's palm.

"Hopefully you'll still think that once you'll be able to see with your eyes." Keith snorted.

Ah, yes. That was the whole reason Lance was laying in a hospital bed in a scratchy feeling gown. He was going to be able to see. With his eyes. For the first time ever. All very soon.

(I have no idea how they do any sort of procedure like this so just don't expect a lot of explanation)

"So, what would you want the first thing you see to be?" Keith questioned.

Lance didn't hesitate answering.


A layer of quiet settled over the room.

"What? Are you sure?" Keith asked.

Lance's lips pressed together into a pout and his brow furrowed. "What do you mean? Of course I'm sure. I want to see my boyfriend."

He felt Keith fidget, the dip of weight on the bed rocking back and forth.

"Well, it's just, I don't know if there are any sort of precautions or anything after the procedure, like certain things you shouldn't look at yet. But I thought you would want to like, FaceTime your family or something. Like if you can look at a screen." Keith babbled.

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