Friggin' Heck (really short)

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"Kee-ee-ee-eeeeiith!" Lance pitifully moaned from the couch of their apartment.
"I'm dying!"

Keith rolled his eyes, twisting the knob on the stove to turn it off. "Lance, you have a cold, you are not dying."

A huff could be heard from the living room. Then a sneeze. Then a loud noise similar to a goose. (It was Lance just blowing his nose.)

Keith just rolled his eyes again, sliding around the tiny kitchen area in socked feet, getting out a bowl, spoon and ladle. Carefully, he used said ladle to pour hot soup into the bowl and then lay the spoon across the rim of the bowl.

A minute or so later, Lance was presented with a bowl of hot soup, two aspirin tablets and a glass of tea. He smiled gratefully as he accepted the food from his boyfriend. Then he frowned when Keith started to walk away.

"What, no 'get well soon' kiss?" The blue eyed boy whined.

Keith turned around. "I'm not kissing you while you're sick. It's extremely unsanitary."

"You're extremely unsanitary." Lance pouted.

His boyfriend just flicked his eyes to the mountains of tissues surrounded Lance. "Says the guy sitting in his own used Kleenexes."

The sick boy just grumbled, spooning some of the soup into his mouth mournfully.

Lance ate as Keith cleaned up in the the kitchen. Soon, he set down his empty soup bowl and was scrolling through Instagram.

Then he shrieked.

Keith came barreling into the room, a wild look in his eyes.

"What's wrong!"

"Oh my god, Keith, LOOK!" Lance turned the screen of his phone out to show the black haired male.

Keith's face dropped into a bit of a frown when he realized there was no danger as he trudged to the couch to get a better look at the phone.


There was a picture one posted by Shiro, of two hands, one tan and one pale, both sporting sparkling engagement rings.


He made a big show of quickly pulling out his phone and calling his brother. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Shiro to pick up.

Lance heard a slightly mechanic sounding "Hello" from the phone.

"Oh hey, Takashit, just calling to say it woULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO TELL US YOU'RE ENGAGED, YOU FROZEN NUGGET OF CRAP."

A chuckle came from the other end of the line. "We thought it'd be fun to let you figure it out." A voice from the background that neither Keith nor Lance could quite hear came through.

"Oh. Okay. Adam says to tell you that you're both invited to the wedding." More background talking. A surprised "Hey!" And a different voice. "KEITH PLEASE TELL SHIRO THAT HE CAN'T WEAR THAT ONE GROSS LOOKING TIE HE HAS FOR THE WEDDING."

Keith rolled his eyes. "Tell Shiro that I said his tie is nasty and he's not wearing it while getting married."


Adam wasn't kidding when he talked about the gross tie. It was puke-green with bluish grey and brown stripes that looked like mold and for some reason Shiro really loved the stupid thing.

Shiro's voice cut in again. "Well as much as we'd love to chat about my favorite tie, Pidge is calling and I think she won't be happy if we don't pick up."

And so the call ended. Keith shoved the phone back in his pocket and gingerly moved some of the tissues that cascaded around Lance. Flopping down, he mumbled "That son of a cherry flavoured medicine liker."

Lance chuckled. "So we're invited to a wedding?" Keith just nodded, resting his head on the other boy's shoulder.

"I can't believe he's getting married." Lance said to no one in particular.

"I can't believe Adam said yes." Keith snorted.

"Don't be mean."

"I'm not. I'm being honest."

"Well, be honest nicely."


Lance laughed at his grumpy boyfriend, wrapping an arm around him.

"If I asked, you would say yes, right?"

Keith squeaked and stuttered out gibberish but it got along to "Yes."

Lance just pulled him closer. "Just making sure."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Keith spluttered.

"Nothing." Lance tried to pull him in for a kiss.

"Nope." Keith pushed his boyfriend away. "I'm still not kissing you, germ boy."

"Germ boy! How dare you stoop so low, Kogane!" Lance huffed.

"Whatever, germ boy." Keith shrugged Lance's arm off his shoulders and heaved himself up. He pulled the blanket wrapped around "Germ boy's" figure tighter and leaned down to peck his warm forehead.

"Get some rest, germ boy."

Lance whooped. "I thought you said you wouldn't kiss me."

"I meant not on the lips. Germs." And with that he went back to the kitchen and resumed cleaning.

( I wasn't lying when I said it'd be short. I don't know if I want to do a part two lmao. If you actually like my crap and want a pt two lemme know lol)

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