More headcanons! And an authors note

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PLEASE READ I haven't been updating a lot recently bc I've been super busy and I'm currently working on a different chapter that's rlly long (10,000+ words) bc I REFUSE to make it into separate chapters/book that's all and probably nobody cares cuz no one reads my crap

And btw most of these are gonna be klance finally

1.) Both Keith and Lance love waking up before the other. Why? Keith loves it because Lance is finally still and relaxed while breathing softly. His hair curls a bit and you can count his freckles. His mouth hangs open ever so slightly, with his perfectly soft lips moving a tiny bit with each breath. Lance loves it because Keith isn't frowning or worrying. You can see his dark eyelashes against his pale skin. He has a relaxed expression that Lance would love to see more often. His hair falls out of his face a bit, exposing a very kissable forehead. He's also basically a living heater.

2.) Keith is a bottom.

I will fight you on this.

3.) Pidge gets everyone a DS for like Christmas or something and gets Keith Animal Crossing New Leaf as a joke, but he ends up getting really into it and Lance thinks it's the cutest thing ever, and eventually gets his own cartridge and they have conversations that go like this.

L: can I take some fruit from your town

K: no

L: why not!?

K: bc I worked really hard to get every fruit in the game and I'm not just gonna let you grab some

L: >:0 my own boyfriend wont even give me an orange or something I'm offended

K: ok Jesus you can have ONE orange

L: <3 love you too

4.) Whenever Keith gets sad Lance scoops him up and gives him lil kisses that tickle all over before softly talking with him and snuggles. Other times he'll just pull Keith into his lap and pet his head while he lets him tell what's wrong.

Whenever Lance is sad or homesick Keith gently takes Lance's face in his hands and give him light feathery kisses all over his face. Sometimes he just kinda. Holds him. It's a little awkward looking bc Lance is taller, but they make it work. He lets Lance tell him all about his family, and his home while giving him soft looks and running a hand through his hair.

5.) They have boop wars, which is inspired by what one of my friends and I do. Basically one of them lightly boops the others nose and it goes back and forth until you're both frantically mashing your entire hand on the other's face while covering your own. It's actually rlly fun

6.) Lance finds any reason to tell Keith why they're relationship is meant to be. Zodiac signs, horoscopes, fortune tellers, random facts. "Hey Keith, did you know national bisexuality pride day is September 23rd? It's a month away from your birthday. I'm bisexual and I want to spend every month with you." "That makes barely any sense, but I love you for it."

7.) They have the stupidest and cheesiest pet names for each other, all strangely endearing though. And a lot of sanarios go like this:
Either of them:omg ur an idiot
The other: but I'm your idiot

Lance's nicknames for Keith:
Kitty cat
Love of my life
Shnookums (he only uses that one to be annoying)
Keith cat
My love
Keith Ronaldo Bippity Bop Kogane the Third

Keith's nicknames for Lance:
My star
Lance McLeggy

8.) Lance definitely has like really defined abs because like, he can frickin like use silks and shtoof and honestly Keith is just so red and embarrassed and cannot stop thinking about it

9.) Lance just like. Really loves picking Keith up?? It's so fun?? Like Keith will be like talking to someone and Lance will just like. Swoop in and hold his boy. It could be bridal style, Keith could be sitting on Lance's shoulders, Lance could be giving Keith a piggy back ride, it doesn't matter. Just when Lance is around, Keith's feet usually aren't on the floor

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