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(I cannot believe I didn't realize this sooner happy pride, this is super short by the way)


Kissing. So much kissing. People were kissing in the streets, on the sidewalks, on benches. Everywhere, couples held hands, embraced each other and of course, kissed.

Keith had been to pride multiple times in his life, often when he was younger and brought along with Shiro and Adam. It was all very exciting, despite his resting bitch face.

Someone giggled beside him, swinging their intertwined hands a bit. "Oh my god, Keith, look." Lance pointed to a couple near them. Adam was winding a rainbow feather boa around Shiro's neck, but only after placing a headband with a little antenna on it with "GAY" written in sparkly bold letters on top on his head.

"Looking good, Shiro!" Keith cupped his free hand to yell at his brother. Lance wolf-whistled for good measure. They laughed at his bewildered expression, swinging their hands more.

"Isn't this exciting, Keith? We're at pride! Together!" Lance babbled to his boyfriend. Keith smiled happily, eyes softening at the way his boyfriend looked around in amazement. His freckles were even more prominent in the summer sun, and even went beautifully with the face paint on his tan skin. Bi colours of course. He even had a couple kiss shaped marks from the black lipstick he had gotten Keith to wear.

Lance, on the other hand, took any chance he could to reapply the rosey pink lipstick he wore and smack another kiss onto Keith's face. At this point, he probably had more of the other's makeup on than Lance did. And this is after convincing Lance to let him get away with only the black lipstick and a bit (a lot) of rainbow highlighter.

Speaking of makeup, Keith felt Lance's painted lips press yet another kiss to the side of his face. Keith looked over and smiled up at his boyfriend.

"You're so beautiful." Lance squeezed his hand, bumping their noses together.

"Ugh, you're so cheesey." Keith teased. He probably didn't even look half as good as his boyfriend said he did. His own makeup was probably smeared and his hair was probably crazy after Lance ruffling it so many times. "If anyone here is beautiful, it's you."

Lance beamed at the praise, but tugged Keith even closer. "Mi amor, you are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Astounding. Breathtaking. Stunning-"

"Yeah, I get it, you sap. That's not gonna change the fact that to me, you're everything I am to you and more." Lance blushed under his freckles and a shy smile overtook his face. "Oooh, look, Lance is blushing!" He cooed.

"Shut up.." he mumbled. "No can do, Loverboy, I'm on a roll here." Keith felt his heart flutter whenever Lance smiled like that.

"Anyway," he smiled cheekily, "I thought you should know, my boyfriend is the most handsome boy in the world and-".

"Shut up!" Lance fussed. He could dish it, but not take it.

Keith only continued, happy to make his boyfriend blush and smile. He talked until he couldn't anymore. Not because he had lost his voice or anything, but it's hard to talk when someone's lip are pressed against your own.

Lance's arms snaked around his waist and held him close. Keith certainly had no objection to that.

They kissed until black and pink lipstick melded together and until the crowd just migrated around them instead of telling them to move. Until Keith felt his lungs might explode and his fingers shook in Lance's hair.

When they finally pulled apart he could only stared dazedly at Lance, who simply pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Did that shut you up?" He winked.

Snapping out of his daze, Keith mocked a thoughtful look. "I don't know, I think I need more convincing." 

So they stood, kissing for the whole world to see.


( yee haw I told you it was short. But I have another draft underway! ;;))) happy pride! Feel free to message me with suggestions!)

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