Space....the final frontier...

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About a year ago, I went to NASA for a field trip. Now, it was several hours away from where I go to school, so we left pretty early in the morning. I should let you know that I never go to public restrooms...I don't know about you guys, but I don't like having other people hearing me pee, and I certainly don't like hearing other people either.

So, needless to say I didn't use the bathroom for over twelve hours that day.

Anyway, all my good friends couldn't go to the trip, so I was stuck with people I only sort of knew. I didn't like that, but I had to stick with someone. We were waiting in line for the tour when this British guy in really short shorts starts talking to us. Not comfortable, I just kind of stood off to the side. Things took an intersting turn when the group I was with started using a British accent while talking to the guy. They spent the rest of the day talking like that.

Anyway, after getting lost on the tour for a few minutes, we went to eat lunch. I didn't bring my glasses, so I couldn't read the menu's. I was stuck, in panic mode, desperately trying to over hear someone ordering so I know what they had. So, when I finally ordered, I realized I had never ordered something by myself before. I didn't know what to say, or what to ask for, so I listened to the people next to me ordering for reference. I ended up getting a tiny peice of pizza while everyone else had a full meal.

We ended up seeing the British guy again...and about five people that looked like Santa. It didn't help when they saw an apparently attractive guy that worked there and started talking to him. I just stood there, looking in all directions, wanting to turn invisible or implode.

When it was time to leave, I had somehow bought a really freaky looking alien cup. I still have that cup hiding somewhere. I'll occasionally find it and it'll scare the living snot out of me. Yes, it scares me so bad my snot has a respitory system and a heart beat.

* * *

The moral of this story is, I can't go on any trip and have things go normally. Something strange always happens.

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